Chapter 13: Someone's After Him

Start from the beginning

I quickly tapped Draco's shoulder. Once he finally broke his gaze his right eye changed from purple/red to his normal grey. He looked at me with a questioned look.

I pointed to Snape.

He looked at where I pointed and once he finally realised he shot up out of his seat and ran to his father. I smiled to my self. But when I looked at our friends to see they had questioning looks.

"He went to go hug his father." I told them.

They looked up to see where Draco ran of to. And smiled when they saw Draco hugging him.

"That's cute!" Harry said smiling.

"I know! right!" Pansy squealed.

We all laughed at our stupidity. Well mostly Pansy's stupidity, And that's when Draco came back.

"What were you all laughing about, and with out me?" he questioned.

"We were laughing at Pansy's Stupidity." Hermione says and fills him in on what happened.

"Pansy you really can get more stupid." Draco complained.

Draco's POV:

"But tank you Harry you arn't bad your self." I said. While watching his face turn a bright shade of red.

"Okay! We get it! Your in love! Now stop flirting!" Ron stated annoyed. And started eating. 

"Aww! Ronnie! Arnt you cute as well? The way you ki-" Blaise started before being cut off with Ron's embarrassment showing while yelling at Blaise. We all started laughing.

I chuckled and started drinking my orange juice...

But once I finished it I felt...


like really dizzy. And sick.

I looked at the headmaster...

And he was just evily smiling...


"Draco? Are you okay? You look pale." My mate asked.

"I'm fine Harry... Lets just go to class." I say getting up.

but when I started walking I collapsed...

Blaise helped me up.

"Are you sure? You keep going paler." He asked me.

"Ill be fine. Lets go." I say starting to slowly walk. Harry looked a little scared. So I just grabbed his hand. He looked up.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked but looked at me worried.

"I'm going to live Harry. Its fine. Lets go to class." I tell him smiling a little to convince him. He looked like he didn't believe me but smiled back.

First period:

I was able to focus pretty well.

But I just felt so weak. But ill go see madam Pomfre later to see what the old coot used on me.

Second period:

It was just like first period.

But I still kept feeling weaker.

And I also felt like I was going to throw up. So it was soon just sickness taking over me..

Now I wished I just told Harry. But than he would be worried the entire day. Lets get this day over with.

But I saw my mom look at me with concerned eyes. But he went back to teaching since he would look suspicious. Nice to know he is worried. Hmm... I wonder what father is doing.

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