Chapter 14: St. Mungo's

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Lucius's POV:

After getting Draco to the hospital wing the nurse told me to go to Severus. I knew he didn't have a class at the moment so it was a good time.

Once I entered his class room door he looked up with a smile. But turns down when he realised I was crying.

"Lucius? What's wrong?" Severus asked me. He got out of his seat and came up to me.

I grabbed him and hugged him tightly... He was shocked but hugged back. I slid down the door and still was hugging him. A couple of minutes later.

"What's wrong?" He asks still confused.

"I couldn't protect him Severus..." I said with some more tears coming.

"You couldn't protect who?" He asked me with slight confusion.

"Draco... I couldn't protect our son..." I say now full on sobbing.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Severus asked frantically.

So I started to tell what had happened. And who I had done it. Once I was done Severus sat there. Trying to comprehend what he had just been told. Severus turned his head to my chest and quietly started to sob. I cried a little again.

We sat there for a while. Not knowing what to do. We just sat there breaking. Our son was in danger... And we couldn't do anything to save him. What would we tell Draco's friends... What would we tell Harry... The poor boy will break.

What will we do?


No ones POV:

Madam Pomfre had tried her best to help the blond, but his burns,  cuts, and bruises were so bad nothing could have helped. The nurse didn't even know if he would live for another second.
Just than Severus walked in with Lucius not far behind.

"Pomfre we need to tell Harry and the rest of Draco's friends.". Severus said with his emotionless voice. But if you look at his eyes they were red and he looked so broken. They had visited earlier but were shooed out.

" Severus we will tell them. Wait for them to finish school, but right now lets get you some rest. Ill be hear for some time. ". Lucius tries to calm his mate.

Lucius mug have looked like a cold person at the moment. But in the inside he felt broken just like his mate. He felt as if he couldn't protect his son.. Than he didn't deserve the title of a father. But he also felt as if what was done is done... He had to focus on calming his mate.

But he didn't realise he was also crying.

He only kept thinking back to this morning when his son came running up to him for a hug like he always did. How he laughed at his mother was complaining that he said he him self (Lucius) was a prat. All the memories of when he was a child came rushing back to his head. All laughs, jokes, cuddle times, story times, naps, play times... Everything. And now his son has found his mate who doesn't know what happened to his veela.

The nurse looked at the two parents in fount of her. It was heart breaking to see her former student patients who were always careless and brave breaking because they didn't know if there son was going to live. But soon it was anger that over took her.

How Dare that old idiot do this.


He was still a boy with a dream.

A life where he would find his mate and have kids some day.

Had parents who still cared for him, and loved him.

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