They also had prizes and churros in hand.

"Here you go." Jisung says and hands us one. We thank him and enjoy the delicious pastry.

"Dinner?" Felix asks as we start to walk out the carnival.

"I kinda want spaghetti." Jisung admits as we file into Chan's car. The vehicle getting filled with us and the prizes.

"I can cook! My parents are working late so we can do it at my place." Chan says and starts the engine.

"Dinner at Channies! Alright!" Jisung says and we hit the road.

We all let our parents know that we were having dinner at Chan's. Them replying that it was okay and to be safe. 

"First a pit stop." Chan says and parks at a grocery store.

"We'll wait here." Jisung says.

"Wanna come?" Chan asks as he unbuckles himself.

I nod and do so as well struggling a bit as the shark was pushing up against me.

We get out and rush inside the store. Chan grabs a basket and we make our way to the pasta aisle. Chan grabbing spaghetti and pasta sauce.

Some ground meat for the meatballs. And lemonade for our drinks.

"Anything else?" Chan ask as he looks at the basket and then at me.

"Ice cream for dessert?" I ask.

He smiles and nods and we go to the ice cream aisle.

We got chocolate and vanilla ice cream along with whip cream and chocolate syrup.

We went to the self check out line and paid.

We went back to the car and place the bags in the back trunk.

"Shush shush they're here." I hear Jisung whispering as I open the passenger door.

I give them a questioning look and both of them just smiled innocently at me.

"Okayyy?" I drag out and face forward. Chan soon entering.

"Alright! Let's go." He says and hits the road back home.

It was mostly quiet on the way back and that was fine. We were all tired from the long fun day.

We arrive at our neighborhood and pull up into Chan's driveway. The car coming to a halt and shutting off.

"Home sweet home!" Chan exclaims.

Felix and Jisung left their things in his car. Getting a ride home later. I brought my things inside, home just next door

"Alright, you guys go on ahead and relax, take a nap. And I'll start on dinner." Chan says as he enters the kitchen and starts washing his hands.

"I need to use the restroom!" Jisung exclaims and runs into the bathroom.

Felix collapsing onto the couch and taking a nap.

I didn't know what I could do. So I just went into the kitchen.

A bar separating the kitchen and dinning room. High chairs tucked underneath the island. I pull one out and sit. Watching Chan run around to grab ingredients and supplies.

He filled up a pot with water and put it to boil. Covering it with a lid.

He looks at me. Head slightly tilted as he pouts in my direction.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"Do mind helping me actually?" He asks.

I chuckle a bit and nod, getting up and out the chair and to the kitchen.

"Okay, wash your hands and season the ground beef." Chan instructs me.

I nod and do as I was told. Washing my hands throughly and drying them.

He hands me a mixing bowl, the meat and some seasoning.

Salt, black paper, garlic powder, onion powder, dry parsley and paprika.

"Thanks." I say and start to open the meat, dumping the whole thing into the bowl and throwing away the trash.

I mix everything together and Chan pulls out a baking tray next to me.

"Roll them up and place them here, please." He says kindly. I nod and start to roll them.

Preparing dinner didn't take long as I thought it would.

Chan was already heating the pasta sauce in a pot.

"Plates are in that cabinet. Cups next to it."

I nod and grab enough plates for all of us, along with cups and utensils.

I set the table and grab the lemonade we purchased earlier.

Chan hands me a bowl of the spaghetti and tray full of the cooked meatballs.

"Dinners ready!" Chan shouts throughout the whole house. We hear footsteps walking over and chairs scraping.

"Smells delicious hyung!" Jisung says and looks at everything.

"The meatballs are catching my attention." Felix groggily says, sleep still in his body.

"Changbin did them." Chan says proudly.

I blush a bit as he gives me a smile.

"Ohh Changbin hyung~" Jisung teases.

I roll my eyes and sit down, Chan coming along with a hot pot of pasta. Placing it down and then sitting next to me.

"Thank you for the food!" We say and start to serve ourselves.

I take a bite of the pasta and some meat, covered in pasta sauce. The flavors clashing in my tastebuds.

"Wahh! It's really good!" I say and take in some more.

"Thank you." Chan laughs out.

Felix and Jisung moaning at the taste and shoving more food into their mouths. Complimenting everything they take in.

Even the lemonade that was store bought.

"This lemonade is exquisite!" Jisung says as he chugs more.

"It's store bought." Chan answers.

"Taste homemade!" Felix adds on.

I point to the jug. The label reading, Homemade Lemonade.

"Cause it is homemade. Supposedly." I say.

"Then this lemonade is shit if it's supposedly homemade." Jisung says and slams the cup down.

"I agree!" Felix does the same.

"Shut up and eat your food and drink your supposedly homemade lemonade." Chan says.

"Yessir!" They cheer and continue to eat.

I laugh at their silliness.

Chan knows how to handle his friends.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now