
Start from the beginning

       George was the first out of the friend group to spot the Latina, his hand casually waving her over as his dark, chocolate brown eyes trailed over to her chest, noticing the mesh long shirt covering her black bralette, still leaving enough revelation of her cleavage, much to the teachers dismay. " Jeez Evie, could you dress any more modest ? " He questioned sarcastically as she wasn't one to dress like a middle age white mom at a church retreat.

A slight giggle escaped from her lips, used to her best friend's constant horny remarks as the two had met in kindergarten at the mere age of five. She pretended to dig in her right pocket as she approached the crew, pulling out her middle finger, a fake shocked expression washing over her just like Missy Pantone had done on her favorite early two-thousand's movie, Bring it On, sticking it directly up at the boy's face. At this point, Joey had also spotted the beautiful girl, her hands thrown forward as she jumped in place excitedly like she hadn't seen her the day prior at the the Latina's big birthday blowout.

Evie Perez hugged the girl, kissing her two cheeks in a friendly matter, getting a little bit of her peachy gloss on her face as she clung onto her like the stench of weed clutched onto Joshua Lawrence's jacket. The girl was extremely big on public affection, whether is was given to her friends or her long list of exes, you could count that she would display it no matter how stupidly uncomfortable it would make the unknowing bystanders. Hell, the only person who hadn't been lucky of receiving her charming hugs, kisses and overall endearing sentiments was her very own fucking boyfriend, Joshua Lawrence.

The two were an unlikely pair. The beautiful teen that was Evie Perez was an exotic flower, forever dressed to impress in the finest designer clothes like a fucking modeling agency would be at her school, waiting to draft her into their world. The girl born into good wealth could be a frigid bitch to the ones who would dare spit out a nasty remark about her or her beloved friends. She wasn't shy, nor a dainty little princess like Cinderella, she was bold and independent women like Elsa, or even Rapunzel at least. She was a proud, self-proclaimed slut, constantly speaking out about her sex life and getting with high school and college boys who she shouldn't even spare a second glance to.

Joshua, who mostly went by Josh was the complete opposite. Yes he was undeniably attractive━━ short dirty blonde hair, casual clothes who seemed to have only been made for him due to his ability to make it seem laundry day chic was the next big thing, growing up beneath the middle class while he had only met the group in ninth grade. Sure he looked like an asshole and he did fit in perfectly as the fourth male into their sacred circle, but he wasn't like George and Luke━━ quite frankly, he only really hung out with them for Evie as he found them to be a pair of assholes. He didn't mind Tim on the other hand, genuinely finding the quieter boy as nice company.

Josh Lawrence was a fucking mess, struggling with a small, tiny, itsy-bitsy addiction to a specific deadly while powder after his mom had died during his sophomore year but we'll get into that later...

       The two teens had been dating for approximately six months and it was safe to say that it was pretty damn odd for the friend group. Evie wasn't known to jump into relationships longer than a two month average, the girl getting bored extremely quickly due to their lack of stroke game and her inarguable commitment issues. Plus, all the boys were assholes with small dicks in the first place. Josh on the other hand was a total sweetheart with a heart of gold. He truly deserved better than the unloyal girl as she would rather spend her time sleeping with George than to go on a real date with him. Nice men were too boring for her.

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