before the war...

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....Fundy looked at Wilbur after  he ran into pogtopia with his diary ready to betray schlatt and explained to everyone that schlatt was weak and couldn't defend himself... He knew he would be facing his dad but he didn't know it would this akward. Wilbur looked at him it wasn't even a look really it was a glance in his direction everyone else had left the area they were stuck alone and Wilbur was pretending Fundy had left too, I guess it would feel strange being in a room alone with your son that months before had ran against you during a election and then when he lost and you were kicked out of the country YOU made .  he didn't  follow you he actually did the exact opposite of that and burned almost every trace of your existence in that country... 

But could you also blame Fundy he was just a poor kid that wanted to show his dad that he could do whatever he was doing he wanted validation and when he didn't get that sense of validation and pride he didn't handle it well on top of that was a ruler that was making him do stuff he didn't want like burning the L'manberg flag that Nihachu the friendly Baker had built .

So here we are again back in pogtopia the tension was so thick you could almost smell it . As Fundy started walking away he heard
"Wait Fundy..."
Fundy turned around seeing his dad looking at him with a strict face and clenched fists he looked as though he was about to kill someone but slowly a smile came to be on his face it a was a smirk to be exact
Fundy said in a voice that came out almost shaky and scared even though he didn't mean it and he truly wasn't feeling those feelings he knows his dad he knows that when he looks like that it's not that he's mad it's just how he sometimes is
"You forgot your diary ya know the one about schlatt''
And indeed Fundy had left it on the ground probably because there was a swarm of people trying to look at it earlier and he decided it would be easier if it was on the ground so everyone could view it
"Oh... Yeah thanks I guess..."
Fundy loved his father even though they weren't always on the same page I mean he was the only parent Fundy had cause you couldn't really talk to salmon and tell it about your problems could you?

Fundy left pogtopia and began walking to Manberg where schlatt was doing whatever schlatt does which was basically nothing unless he was trying to chug 40 protein shakes at once and once or twice a week he would destroy Manberg even more . Another hobby of schlatts was making Fundy change the flag 200 times a day when he could have easily just kept the old flag but this is schlatt were talking about to do you really think he would do that ..?

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