Chapter 2

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At Renetless island. By the dark cave. Princess looking at water portal see red dragon and Cutter laughing and looking at each other smiling.

Princess: ugh who is that red dragon. Why is she always looking at my mate. Dosent she know he is prince also my mate...mmm what doe she see in him. Oh don't worry I am coming to get him back and become queen once for all.

Hear Aggro laughing even Cutter.

Aggro: Yea...yea. Cutter enough with jokes...

Princess: mmm... maybe I have plan for them to hate each other or mostly make Cutter hates her more... and he will decide to come back with me...

At the Roost. Burple and Cutter talking each other about random.

Burple: how about you can try rock and spike...

Cutter: they don't really combine together when we shot it with out mouth...

Burple: oh... also how come you don't like be called clown... even how you know how king and queens works??

Cutter:... well... that is good question... I don't know, I was told by my parents about this... also I just don't like be call clown...

Burple: alright then... you don't normally talk about your parents until you brought it up about your mom... is there problem??

Cutter: not really... it just they want me to do this and to do that... it not my thing so that why I went to join you guys...

Burple: also you broke up your mate too on that day..

Cutter: yea it not quite well...

Burple: so have you been found someone who you like...

Cutter: well kinda... but I just need to take some time... also I'm not sure if she going to say yes... Also sometime it hard to talk to her...

Burple: you mean Aggro..?

Cutter: yea how you know that...

Burple: well, Summer is older. Same Cinda and her friend kinda. Also Zeppla well. She easy to talk so do others but Aggro... not really...

Cutter:mm good point...

Burple: just be careful around Aggro...

Cutter: you know I do...

Burple: so... what you see in Aggro...

Cutter:... well...

Burple: how about this... what your favorite odd thing. Water, Lava, or Fire...

Cutter: normally water and fire.

Burple: dose she like fire or water...

Cutter: well she friend with Summer who is water girl so I will say both..?

Burple: who she normally harsh on...

Cutter: mostly me.

Burple: who she normally talk to..:

Cutter: kinda me...

Burple: how many times she look at you or smiles and who is that...

Cutter: kinda millions times and I don't know who..

Burple: you... I can tell you know more about her... just think about it...

Cutter: how you can tell about that...

Burple: well first of all. I seen my uncle did that, when we first met Aggro... you kinda looked at her. Then couples months you kept doing it even Aggro... I'm not sure if I'm right or not... also who princess. Is that her name or what. I kinda heard you while back...

Cutter: she just some renetless dragons.

Burple: why you left your mate.. that really odd cause it rare to do that...

Cutter:... well what about yours...

Burple: i don't have parents.. so I was raise by uncle..  when I was young fellow...

Cutter:oh sorry... do you have memories of your parents... not really...

Cutter: how young are you when they found you...

Burple: kinda like baby dragons ages or like Aggro... I got scared by humans but Leyla clam me down... yea.... We found Summer, you then Aggro.. feel like we are getting bigger... and stronger... but I didn't want to tell Leyla that getting bigger and stronger can cause... dangerous...

Cutter: how you know that...

Burple: cause that how dad disappeared, but haven't heard from mom since she left... don't know where she is...

Cutter: so dose you dad has rider or so...

Burple: kinda... yea but she didn't make it.... never heard what happen to dad even they haven't saw them. So that why I leave to find them but when I saw Leyla, Dak and Wimger... I have feelings that one day it might happen to them.. and yes I was scared.. but she clam me down of course...

Cutter: what is your dad is like...

Burple: brave loves humans and told his rider that once we got stronger and bigger... it can lead to dangerous... she listen to him. And understand why.

Cutter:... I thought he has your you know... do you know who is rest of others.. did they survive?

Burple: I don't know their name but I know what they look like... two of them made it out alive.. rest of others. Two of them found...dead rider that belong to my dad. Other one... it the she. Rider too... didn't make it but told my uncle and told me... just don't listen anyone who can hurt my feelings. She is kinda just like Leyla... who went missing and can't find them... just my dad and one of dragon I just don't understand also I hate him... a lot... so bad... you know what I mean right...?

Cutter: yea I know what you mean about this dragon... why you hate him???

Burple:... found out he the prince and making plans to take over the land but... it didn't happen, no wonder where he is... so two of them who survived. They went out to find him and stop him for life... it been going on but he still not found...

Cutter:... I'm sorry that happen...

Burple: it fine... it ok. I just wanted to make sure that we can use the power of ours can use once in while... not sometimes and definitely not all of times...

Cutter: are the team.. are all same dragons...or...

Burple: they are different. One of the has Aggro act but it more than that... he is scary but... he the good guy...

Cutter: I bet he really mad at the prince... also why are they mad that he is prince.

Burple: he doesn't like humans so that how they died... from the power of theirs. Beside that his rider.  She raise him so well. He loved her so much. And always protective to her but.. one day.. it happen.

Cutter: what about two of dragons...

Burple: I don't know their call but I call them... Lighting dragon. And...


The Renetless dragon. They both are same. He made it out alive also he responsible for two kid's death also making it powerful...

Cutter: wait.. did you say that Renetless dragon... is the prince..?!

Cutter the son of Dragon King ( Rescue Riders )Where stories live. Discover now