Chapter 2

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So I got asked for more and I said I might in the furture if I got ideas and I kinda have, so this is a try-out chapter to see if I will contine or not...

Peri woke up with a jolt and suddenly ran out of bed feeling sick; sure her and Nico had been out last night and she had had a few drinks but she would have thought that the being physically sick would have worn off.

After promptly throwing her guts up in the toilet she wiped her month with the back of her hand and leant against the bathroom sick, staring at her pale self in the mirror as she thought about the possibility of what was really wrong with her.

Suddenly the shrill sound of her phone ringing hit her ears so she followed the sound to her bedroom and quickly found her phone; she smiled at the screen seeing one missed call from Tom; her and Tom were friends, it was her, Nico and Tom since she could remember, but her and Tom were more than friends though neither of them would admit it, but they defiantly were!

Tom and Peri had both lost so many people in their life that it was hard for them to admit what they were to each other and what they wanted; Tom had lost his parents as a baby, he had lost sisters and brothers, adoptive parents, he had lost so much for such a tender age. Peri had also lost her 'parents', she had also lost her sister/aunt who died about a year ago as she lost her second battle against leukaemia.

Peri had found a letter that told her about her real parentage and she therefore confronted her 'sister' and the truth all came spilling out; it was hard at first, she pushed Leela away, refused to accept the facts but after a while she slowly came around though she had only recently started called Leela 'Mum'

Leela used to think about Cameron a lot, she had never seen him since the day he got sent to prison at the age of fourteen, the exact time Leela discovered her pregnancy was the exact time her lover got sent to prison and it broke her heart, after so long Leela forgot about him and decided to move on with her life though it proved hard and took her awhile she eventually managed it and was happy.

"Hey" came a cheery voice as they walked through the front door of Leela's house; the door was wide open therefore anyone could have walked it.

"Si..." Leela began to greet before she spotted him behind her.

Just over a year ago something happened that haunted Leela and brought back many old feelings, her parents where already dead by this time and her sister was dying in hospital, Leela wasn't coping well and this last thing finally tipped her over the edge; nearly a year ago a woman called Sienna moved to the village, she was very damaged and mentally unstable but her and Leela found that they had things in common therefore they build a strong friendship, however the introduction of Sienna's husband was what haunted Leela of the past; the good and the bad.

"Hi" Leela said trying to match the cheeriness of Sienna's tone but as she stared past her to the person behind her friend her voice began to fade.

"Hello Leela" the person said as he joined Sienna, taking her hand in his causing Sienna to smile lovingly at him.

Sienna's husband was none other than the one and only Cameron Campbell. To say Leela was shocked would have been an understatement; she was floored, it was like a slap in the face as Leela always dreamt that he might come back for her one day; that was just a stupid fantasy though.

"Hi Cam" she forced a smile as her eyes caught his before Sienna spoke snapping her back to reality.

"How's Pez? I'm so sorry about Nico, she told me it was all her idea..." Leela interrupted Sienna "Maybe, but Peri choose to drink so Nico's not all to blame for this and she's fine, she was ill all through the night but she'll live" she shrugged as she heard Cameron chuckle.

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