The Blood Gods New Clothes

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Phil woke up early like he usually did, and started to make breakfast. He wasn’t sure how long he would be providing for Techno, but he vowed to himself to do so for as long as the kid let him. Perhaps it was to prove he was better than his father. Perhaps it was to make his mother proud. He didn’t know, nor did he care to find out. Just as he finished making the eggs, he heard the floorboards creak as a very tired kid walked out. Techno let out a small grunt and sat down at the table. As Phil served food to the boy he realized the boy didn’t have any clothes other than the rags he had found him in.

Phil: “Hey Techno, how long has it been since you had some different clothes?” Techno looked at him, Trying to remember the events before he found his way to the street.

Techno: “I don’t know, a year or two I guess”

Phil: “Well I have a few errands to run today, would you care to come with and pick up some new clothes?” Techno was still getting used to Phils kindness, but it was welcome. Techno nodded and put on his old, worn red hoodie. It wasn't much, but it had gotten him through his time on the street and he wasn't about to go out without it. After Phil got ready, he led Techno outside and to a nearby store. It had been a long time since techno went to a store with more intention than just getting warm. Techno and Phil perused the isles, grabbing anything Techno seemed drawn to to try on. After about an hour, Techno had a full wardrobe ranging from t-shirts to sweaters. The strangest out of the selection however was a long red womens coat. Techno was drawn to the coat more than anything else, and who was Phil to tell him no. Eventually, they made their way home and Phil started a meal . Techno wasn't sure if he would ever get used to life with Phil, but he was certainly willing to give it a shot.

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