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                                                                                   PARICIO : 3483

Hot blood rushed up to my ears as I felt anger begin coursing through my veins. I already knew that a treaty was not the way to go. I knew it was unachievable. My father had attempted to come to an agreement with the kingdom of Cordencia.

"A treaty probably won't work," Nolan commented loosely. His fingers drummed on the counter in a way I found infuriating. It made me absolutely livid. More so than I thought possible.

"I'm not even sure any of you know what you're talking about!" I shouted, standing up abruptly. My chair slammed the wall with an angering boom. "None of you, especially not you Nolan, are the king, and none of you are my superiors. Nor are any of you my father!"

My uncle Altheas stood up as well. "Well we are the king's council, and you are only 23, so we have some say in what goes on around here! And most of us here have far more experience with royal affairs and formalities, mind you!"

Resaba stepped in carrying a platter brimming with water cups. Her dark blackish brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and a bandana was wrapped around her head. She wore a denim skirt that hit just above the ankle, and a button-up white shirt. Her apparel signified that her status was lower than all of the men in the room, a mere servant. However, her face dawned the opposite look. She was probably more gentle, and significantly more easy-going than everyone else in the room. She was the same age that my older brother Resin would be if he hadn't passed away.

"What if you married her?" Resaba suddenly said, cutting through my thread of thoughts. My jaw dropped as she slowly pilfered away my anger. "Married her?" I echoed.

She rolled her eyes and her hip jutted out as she placed a cup of water in front of Nolan. He thanked her politely, and she carried on serving the other men.

Altheas' head bobbed. "Yes. Marry her. I know that seems absolutely abhorrent to you at the moment, but the truth of the matter is, we've been at war with this kingdom for a very long time..."

The brother of my deceased father, Henneas, spoke next. "It's unfortunate that things are worse than they've ever been, but the simple solution would be to marry the future queen. If her parents approve of you of course. You'd have to spend several weeks down there, gain her and her parents' approval."

Nolan sat quietly as the other men spoke, looking agitated, and somewhat like my aged mother. Fragile and fearful.

"Simply stated, however, it would solve a trivial war that has been going on for centuries. We are on the brink of another war, and, if you don't mind me saying your majesty, it's important that you sacrifice yourself for your kingdom. Not to mention, there is the potential scenario in which you are able to rule over both kingdoms one day, and combine them as one!" Resaba finished.

The eyes of every single man and boy in the room bulged in her direction. She was a simple maid, used only for the task of providing service to the royal family and their acquaintances, and yet she may have proven herself more that day than ever before. Nolan looked up at her in awe. "Resaba, you're a genius."

Resaba's cheeks turned pink, and she looked away. "I'm very sorry to intrude on your meeting King DeShawn, can you forgive me for my forwardness?"

I smiled slightly. "Of course Resaba, you may have just solved the Kingdom's biggest issue in this room today."


I stared at the boots I'd flung against the wall before I'd climbed into my bed. I was frustrated at many things, but I was easily distracted the longer I thought about the beautiful princess of Cordencia. The marriage would be quick and simple, and then I'd have her to myself. I could keep her for the rest of my days, and we would live a happy, spoiled life, and raise beautiful, spoiled, children, including the future King of Paricio.

Once I had almost sunk into the world of dreams, someone slammed my door open. Immediately, I was on my feet with my dagger in hand. "Who dares barge in on the King of Paricio?!" I shouted.

My mother cowered in the doorway, her blonde, but graying hair hanging around her face. She looked ghastly. "Mother," I whispered softly. "Mother, what's wrong?"

My dagger clattered to the floor, and I grabbed my mother around the shoulders. I embraced her, and tried to coax her worries from her lips. Her wrinkled, and even more gaunt, complexion spoke volumes. Something was terribly wrong. Her eyes filled with tears and her small frame began to shake.

"Mother, please! What is it?" I nearly shook it out of her in frustration.

"Nolan has left. He's gone!" she wailed.

"What?" I asked, shock causing me to release her from my grip. "Did he just go for one of his midnight walks?"
"The guards already checked the grounds for him. He's disappeared," she sobbed.

Resaba suddenly appeared in the doorway behind her. Her dark brows creased in a line of frustration. "He's really gone, DeShawn," she said, using my informal name. She was a close friend, and I insisted she address me by my name when alone. "He took enough provisions to last him several weeks, possibly even months, and fled with his horse with everything he could possibly need."

My heart sank. My brother was a nervous disaster. He could barely keep himself together in stressful situations, and probably wouldn't survive even two days on his own. "Send half of all soldiers on a search. Immediately. We have to find him."

"Only half?!" Resaba scowled.

I raked a hand through my milky brown hair. "It's enough to find one boy."

"Will you join the ranks my son?" my mother asked, her watery eyes staring up at me.

"No, I won't," I said simply. "It's more important that I make my trip as soon as possible. I must marry the princess. Because if I don't, he could be at risk of offending their kingdom upon entry. If he somehow meanders into their land, I don't want them to hurt him. They are his biggest threat to survival."

"You must leave posthaste DeShawn," my mother whispered. "You have to."

"I shall, mother. I'll just get some sleep first, and then-"

"No, DeShawn," Resaba said under her breath. She had sent for a guard to meet her in the throne room. "You need to leave tonight."

Weariness hit like a brick, and I was suddenly very angry. "You think you can tell me what to do Resaba?"

I started to walk towards her, but she didn't even flinch. My mother placed her hand on my chest gently. "No, DeShawn. Get ready, and go immediately. It will take at least two days to get there. You must go now."

I snarled at her. "Neither of you have any authority over me, you hear? I'm going to get some shuteye! End of discussion." I roared.

My mother cowered back into herself, and Resaba sent me a steely glare. She placed her hand on the small of my mother's back, reverently escorting her out of my quarters. She looked back at me and under her breath she sneered, "Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep, your royal highness."

It took everything in me not to chase after her and pummel her to the ground. I'd beaten her before, surely it would teach her something. It took me a long time to realize physical abuse would do nothing to change Resaba's behavior. She stood for what she believed in, no matter what happened to her, or what sort of punishment was bestowed upon her. Even if her belief was completely ludicrous.

I curled up in my soft mattress, resheathing my dagger and placing it on my nightstand once more, and covered myself with many blankets. It was a stormy night, and the draft in my room was terrible. The winter outside was no match for my tired bones, however, because I drifted off to sleep nearly immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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