"I can't find them," Calum said frantically, looking around, "Where did Ashton and Jordyn go? I really hope they're okay, there can't be any more deaths here, I can't handle it anymore."

He pulled Michael out of the room and Michael couldn't take it anymore, he pulled out of Calum's grasp and ended up running somewhere to fast and Calum couldn't find him.

Calum ran back downstairs and grabbed Tamina's body, holding her in his arms. He walked back upstairs and looked around frantically. There were many worries going through his mind at that moment, for one he didn't know where Jordyn and Ashton were, he had no idea where Michael had ran off to, he had no idea whether he was being followed or not or if in that moment he would die, but his bigget concern was the girl he was holding.

Why wasn't Tamina waking up?

She was breathing, and Eva said that Kyle wouldn't kill her for some unknown reason, but whos to know if she was lying or not just to mess with his mind.

He ran into Tamina and Jordyn's room and lied Tamina down on the bed, unknown to him, in the dream world, she was in that same room, about to die.

She ran into the room and locked the door behind her, she wiped her face from tears and when she tunred around her heart dropped when she saw Josh was no longer next to her.

She backed up and heard whispers, they got loud and then would get quiet. She looked around her and swallowed hard, there was nothing there, it just looked like her room, she couldn't make it where the sounds were coming from.

She ran back to the door and tried to get it open and started breathing harder when it wouldn't open. She unlocked it, but it still wouldn't open, as hard as she pulled and pushed, it wouldn't budge. The voices then stopped, and her breathing was shaky as she slowly turned around.

She screamed loudly at the sight of spirits standing on the other side of the room. It was all happening, her dream was literally coming true right there, she was going to die if she didn't get out of that room.

One of the spirits she recongized, it was that man, the one who drowned in the bathtub. She heard laughter, a familiar laughter. It was raspy and it echoed through her ears and it was as if this laughter pounded through the inside of Tamina's head.

There was the old woman, laughing at her as the spirits got closer to her. Tamina banged on the door and hoped that she could just wake up.

A loud banging made Calum jump and he swallowed hard. He wasn't alone and he wanted to get out. The doorknob rattled and he looked at Tamina's body, which was paler than it was before, which wasn't a good sign.

Calum saw something, something that made the blood temperature drop to below negative, and the color of his skin drain from his face. There was an old woman standing in the corner of the room and she seemed to appear and dissapear, but there was a moment when he saw her clearly. She was laughing and she turned to look at him.

Her voice seemed to be closer than she actually was as she said, "She will become one of us."

He then realized that the rattling door was Tamina trying to get out of the room, he made connections with the dreams that she told him and the others, about an old woman locking her in a room and letting dead people come after her, Tamina was in the room with him.

"Tamina!" Calum screamed, "Tammy, listen, I'm right here, you have to listen, I am right here, wake up!"

She heard an echo of a voice, but she couldn't tell what it was saying, or who's voice it was. She dropped to her knees as the spirits surrounded her. She screamed and she cried, she didn't want to die in that house, she didn't want to die at all.

"You will become one of us," she heard the woman laugh, and then there was another voice, but she was screaming so loud to the point where she couldn't hear what it was saying, and then all the voices just stopped.

She slowly opened her eyes and sighed, a huge sigh of relief when she saw that there were no spirits reaching out to try and get her. She stood up, her legs were shaky and her throat was hurting from how much she had screamed.

She felt a prescence and she turned her heard and saw her own body laying on the bed, and her jaw slightly dropped when she saw Kyle standing by the bed.

"I think it's time for you to wake up," he said, his voice soft.

She walked slowly towards him and he gave her a small half smile. Tears brimmed in her eyes and he let out a deep sigh.

"Please don't cry," he said, "Please don't."

"You killed my best friend," she said, her voice barely audible, "And you almost killed me, why did you do that to me?"

"It's really hard to explain," he swallowed hard, "I don't think you'd understand."

"Why did you save me?" she asked him, "You could have just let them kill me, and you didn't, you saved my life, why?"

"Because I care about you more than you think," he responded.

"Why is that?" she asked.

"You remind me of someone," he sighed.

"And who do I remind you of?" she asked him. He was quiet for a moment and looked down at the floor. He looked back up at her and bit his lip.

"Haylee," he sighed again.

"Who was she?"

"She was my girlfriend," he explained, "I loved her with everything I had, and you remind me of her. Look, when I was suffocating you, I wasn't doing it to torture you, I did it because it would be like getting my girlfriend back, I realized how wrong that was, so I let you go."

"You have no idea how messed up that sounds," Tamina said, a small chuckle coming out of her mouth.

"I'm a messed up person," he said, "There's like two of me inside my body, there's this nice caring Kyle, the one that you see now, and then the Kyle who wants to see people suffer, and that was the Kyle you saw who killed Charlie."

Tamina frowned, "So what are you telling me?"

"It isn't easy having a multiple personality disorder, it stayed with me even in the afterlife, that's why I did what I did."

"I'm so sorry," Tamina said to him, "About what happened to you, the night that you died."

He nodded, "There's nothing that can be done about it now."

"Thank you," she smiled, "For saving me."

He reached out to her and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Are you ready to wake up now?"

She nodded and closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw Calum standing on the other side of her bed.


i actually cried writing michael and wendys scene and i listened to sad music bye

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