Another night, another dollar.

Start from the beginning

     "Different how?" He pushes the drink forward when a waitress comes by, swiftly picking up the glass and sashaying away.

     "She was looking like a sad puppy with the cutest but saddest pout on her lips, and I desperately wanted to make her worries go away, Ryk I-I just...everything in me changed for a second." Thinking about her frowning now puts a frown on my own face. Grumpily, I lean on the bar top.

     "Changed?" He urges me to get into some details, so I try my best to fill him in without sounding like such a pansy. I don't recommend chasing after girls, they really know how to fuck with a man.

     "I wanted to help her relax. I needed to help her, and the only way my mind wanted to was by diving in and God, did I dive," I rub my hand over my jaw, the memory of her soft thighs against my fingers and cheeks playing over and over in my head. I stare off into the scene of people dancing and drinking, having a good time. My eyes linger on a couple grinding and giggling in a corner off the far left. Another deep breath leaves me. "I ate her out like a man starved, and I didn't give a damn if I got off that night. I just wanted her to fall apart."

I drag my eyes away from them as they get sappy, the guy holding her tight and giving her soft kisses from behind. Gag me. I meet Ryker's surprised face. His eyebrows were higher than Sin used to be in class, and his cheeks were red. Not from embarrassment, but maybe just from shock. I think I broke my friend. "You did what now?"

"I gave her me. I felt like an idiot after."

Ryker shuffles closer, not wanting to give anyone around us too much more information about my quickly changing sex life. "But you never give in bed."

"I know."

"Do you regret it?" He whispers.

"Hell no," I scoff.

"Would you do it again?" He asks right after, almost cutting me off.

"In a heartbeat." I look him in the eye, dead serious. If Carter were to magically get my number and tell me to meet up with her and get her off right now I'd quit my job today.

"Did you like it?" He cheeses at me, snickering like a little girl whispering about her crush in first grade.

"Are your teeth fake?" I shoot back, mock snickering and entertaining him.

His smile drops, and his dark eyes flash at me in a warning manner. I put my hands up, shaking them and saying ooo. Giant teddy bears don't scare me. "No, but you must really think you're something," he deadpans. "I think you know what this is telling you."

I bite my lip, ignoring what my conscience is screaming at me. I'm trying to be in denial—it's not fair that I feel the way I do and she won't be returning it any time soon. I have to push all those gushy, sickening thoughts away from my heart. My eyes search the building for a distraction, anything to get her off of my mind.

Brunette, curly hair, straight hair, t-shirt, Red highlights was making her way back through the crowd, a pretty little smile on her face, her hand raised, the palm marked with black. Ryker spots her as well, a proud smugness to him. "Look at her. A new being." It's so easy to make friends at a bar, I swear I'm being thrust into the lives of everyone when I step into this place.

She nearly missed the seat when using a rail at the bottom of the stool, her foot slipping due to her miscalculation. "I got it!" She slurs, waving her hand at us before showing me properly, the seven digits written messily across her hand.

"Congratulations sweet pea," Ryker claps his hands to her, genuinely proud of the step into a new direction she just took. I just hope the guy has the same area code as the rest of us.

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