Shut Up & Listen

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By: The_L_On_My_Forehead

She told me to put her prolouge up instead.


Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom. There was a beautiful princess. Who loved her parents, her younger brother, her prince, and everyone in her kingdom. It was like a fairy tale. Until the princesses 16th birthday. A evil, but very handsome, wizard came. Whom put the queen under a love potion, and when the king found out he raged and lashed out killing his once beloved queen and her wizard. As a punishment for the king, the wizard cast a spell keeping him in a magical dungeon.

    It was up to the princess to raise her younger brother on her own. She had the worst luck, because 6 months later other evil wizard's brother had found this princess beautiful and wanted her hand in marriage. When she refused. the wizard, striped her from her innocence  and cast horrible spells on her and her brother.

  Well that's at lest a better way to put my life, but, the truth is I'm not princess, and my mother wasn't under a spell when she cheated on my father. And my mothers lover wasn't a wizard, his only magical weapon was a cell phone which he used to call the police after my dad murdered my mom.

    It wasn't marriage the wizard's younger brother wanted, it was a date, sex, and love. And it wasn't spells the wizard cast upon us. It was him and his baseball bat. Then it was me and my brother's grave.

   The two stories are around the same, but in the end of the fairy tale, the princes and he prince lived happily ever after. I ended up moving far away from him to my aunts house, who immediately rented out a apartment for me, and sent me to get a job, not wanting another mouth to feed. Its okay, she doesn't hate me, just doesn't think she can handle me.

   Everything kinda just feel out of place. People just tried to get me to talk about it. But, that's hard. And I didn't want to talk about, the only person I talked to was Jacob, my boyfriend, he was like my rocked. The one thing I had. When I moved, my rock was gone, I had nothing more to hang on to. So, when someone asked what was wrong, I'd say nothing. Always the same answer and I never had anything else to say. Because with out that rock, I didn't need  a life. I just need to stay alive. Because aunt Casey would feel like she owes my parents and if I comment suicide, she won't forgive herself. And my rock, my rock is still out there. And I can't let him, a perfectly rounded rock. So soft so delicate, have a crack in it because of me. I know I'll hurt him if I even attempted it.

    But, I don't do things unless I need to in order to stay alive for the most part. I go to school, I eat, I sleep, I go to work, and I just try to get to collage. And get a job. Then ill go find my rock. I don't talk. I'm mute. I don't pay attention to anyone but teachers, my aunt, some selected coworkers, and my boss.

    It hard to believe that can change by switching from public to private school because aunt Casey thinks it would be better. And the weird thing is: that I think its working.

Lol okay, hope you like it. I'm posting another cover for your book in the next chapter. You can choose what one you like better.


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