Clem's First Alien

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this was literally for a school project for my writing class if this shows up if my teacher checks for plagiarism, this is me, Carter

"This ship is going down! Right in the field!" I had tried many times to pull up on the steering wheel but it wouldn't work, the air currents just weren't in my favour I guess. "Jeez, Trevor! Again? Why did they even let you pilot after last time!?" I took my hands off the wheel to rub my temples "well Jimmy, we ran out of gas, now who's fault is that?" I slammed my fist on the console and whipped around to look at him. He flinched back "you should have told me we needed gas! You should have checked." Jimmy never liked taking responsibility, so I always had to remind him that some things are his damn fault. "It's a part of your job! You are so getting reported when we-" CRASH

I shot up from my bed, did I just imagine that noise? I looked out the window and I reckon by that green fire, it might've been real! I didn't even bother taking off my pyjamas when I flew down the stairs with my shotgun and a flashlight. It was about 3 am in the morning, and this was gonna finally be the day I could prove to Pete that I wasn't fibbin' about the Aliens!

I walked towards the fire that glowed green, they won't get away from me this time, oh Pete can't call me crazy no more! it was a small ship, about the size of a school bus. I found the windshield, smashed in. I shined my light into the cockpit and saw two bodies, and just like I expected, they were grey, and had big black eyes.

"This was the only one with an intact head" Clem explained, in a rather cheerful tone, hanging up the mounted head of the alien that he got stuffed "mhm" I nodded and looked back down at the newspaper that I had read hundreds of times. They really gotta rebuild that newspaper building, I'm tired of reading about what happened 6 months ago. "Pete? Pete are you listening to me? I bagged an alien! You're always tellin' me there ain't no aliens in Harvest!" He was right, I did rip on him for that a lot "fine, I'm proud of you honey, now will you stop heading out to the woods at midnight every Weekend?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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