As i was pulling her hair she took the chance to smacked my face in result getting my hands off her hair as she pushed me away from her.

I quickly walk towards her not wanting to lose, i was about to attack her when i saw yeonjun coming from a far.

I quickly went towards this girl pulling her hand to make a push action, acting to be pushed i fell down while fake crying.

Then i heard a foot steps coming towards me.

"What is happening in he-" The voice got cutted off.

Then i felt an arm wrapped around my body.

Base on his perfume no wonder he is my boy friend Yeonjun.

"Yuuki are u okay, why are you crying?" He asked with a concern voice.

"S-she hurt me" i said as i pointed my finger towards the girl.

She immediately looked up with a shocked face.

I smirked.

"What no i didn't do anything wrong, she started it first i was jus-" Her voice got cutted off.

"I'll deal with you later" Yeonjun said with a hint of anger lingering on his voice.

"C'mon Babe let's get you clean up" he said as he helped me to got up.

"Y-yes" i pretended to stutter

As we walked away i looked back and saw the girl looking disappointed while she helped the maids. Serves you right for interfering, What a pity she didn't know she messed up on a wrong person.


Yuri's POV

I looked disappointed while they left me with the maids...

The maids started to apologize but i assured them that its fine..

Feeling so vulnerable i fixed my clothes who's been crinkled because of what happened earlier.. tucking my hair behind my ear while i wiped my tear out of my face.

Oh the snacks,, i gotta be hurry.

I collectall the snacks and drinks that they requested then walked to the path that i passed earlier.

As i was walking slowly walking the scene earlier keeps on lingering in my mind like a movie..

Yeonjun's eyes piercing into me while yuuki just smirked at me.. she won

But who cares, i felt really sad and disappointed because of what happened i didn't even managed to defend myself.. thoughts clouding my head .

I can just clear myself to yeonjun later to prove that i am innocent..

Not knowing i soon arrived
I slowly opened the door allowing mysepf inside..

I was met with them goofing around like a dorks.


They stopped what they're doing.
They look towards me with a grin.

"Ohhh thanks, but what took you so long?" Soobin asked as he gave the rest their snacks.

"Well i kind of lost track okay..?" I said

Of course i made up a story i couldn't just let them know what happened like "Because i fought with yeonjun's girlfriend!".

He only nodded
"Yeonjun hyung went out to search for you, where is he?" Taehyun asked while munching his chips.

Did he really came to find me..

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