Gregor just stared back at him, looking like hell was about to open up and swallow him. He did look sort of pathetic. Cowering in the back. So unlike vampires, normally they were boastful, arrogant, and downright cocky.

“Well? Weren’t you just complaining that no one was listening? And here I am trying to see what’s wrong, trying to have a conversation and you’re standing back there like a sulky little kid,” Jared tried taunting him.

“Sulky little kid? Why aren’t you in your mutt form?  The other one can’t stay human for long. The mistress torments her if she does anyway.  You don’t smell like her either,” Gregor squinted a little. As if he was trying to see inside of him somehow.

Jared kept is breathing and heart rate steady...

“I’ve had a long time to learn to control myself.  Maybe this other shifter is young still. Or maybe your mistress doesn’t know how to control her without that precious liquid,” Jared was now watching Gregor closely.

“How do you know about that? No one is supposed to know about that!” Gregor looked a bit worried.

“I was there when it was running down the walls, I felt what it did. Your other companions weren’t as closed mouth as you are being. And,” Jared nodded his head in the direction of the other vampires, watching Gregor to make sure he was paying attention, “they told me about the liquid. Told me about this other shifter.”  He hoped his lie was convincing enough.

Gregor started pacing, “It’s not a real shifter you know.  My mistress made her.” Gregor said. He didn’t want to let these humans think he had no valuable information. Who knows how long it took before they started slicing him up to see what made him tick. And he knew they’d be interested in finding out what was in him.

“What? What do you mean made her?  How is that possible?” Jared couldn’t control his breathing anymore, he was pacing as well now but the little man wasn’t paying attention.

“My mistress wanted a way to be able to go out into the sun. That and the thirst are the biggest down falls you know,” Gregor paused. God he was almost beyond the thirst, if he didn’t get something to eat soon they’d all see just what his mistress was trying to make. “Please if I could just get something … I’m so hungry… it’s almost unbearable.”

“After you have told me more of what…..” Jared was cut off.

“NO! Now please I can’t stand it much longer pleaseeeeee,” Gregor was whining now. Pleading, begging. If they saw what he was, getting dissected might not be the worst thing that could happen to him.

“Please you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into. Please,” Gregor seemed almost in pain now.

“Ok give me a moment,” Jared turned and walked out of the room. Alex was waiting for him on the other side.

“Well? What the hell were you two talking about?” Alex said sounding frustrated.

“What do you mean? Are the coms not working?”  Jared frowned in confusion.

Alex looked surprised, “We can hear you perfectly fine but we can’t understand either of you …”

“I have no idea what you are talking about… was he not speaking English?” Jared was getting more confused by the minute.

“Um, no neither of you were.  What language is that? Can we find a translator?” Alex looked about as confused as I was feeling.

“What do you mean I wasn’t speaking English? I damn well wasn’t speaking Russian. That man in there sounded like he was speaking perfectly good English.” 

“Ok look, we’ll figure this out later. What is going on…?” Alex was trying to keep his composure but at this point it was a moot point.

Jared gave a short version of what he spoke to the scientist about.

“Well should we give him the goat?” One of the other soldiers asked.

 Alex looked a little uncomfortable. It was one thing to use an animal for food. But he had watched the other vampire feed and it didn’t sit well with him.

“No I have something that may push him into telling us what the liquid is and what it’s for. I have an idea it’s a bit more than what they are all telling us,” Jared stared at Alex.

“Ugh I know that look, I also know what you are thinking… god you are a bastard sometimes Jared,” Alex swallowed hard.

“It’ll be quick he’s already trying to hold back. One whiff of blood and he’ll be in a frenzy. Will do or say anything,” Jared grinned.

“God let’s get this over with,” Alex gritted out, “and Jared. You owe me one after this.”

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