CHAPTER 2: Welcome to Jumanji!

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3rd Person POV:

We see a man running through the jungle of Jumanji. He jumps off a big cliff and lands on the ground safely. The camera shows the face of the man known as Dr Smoulder Bravestone.

Soon he was looking atound confused.

Bravestone: Guys? Guys! Why do I sound like this? Where's my hair?

He looked at his arms, which were were big, and then his chest. A bird flew by and scared him. Then a boy in his early 20s came flying down, but landed on his feet. The boy was dressed in an open military jacket, camouflage pants tucked in combat boots, pouches wrapped around his waist, and a concealed armor shirt.

???:W-what? What happened? Where am I?

He then noticed Bravestone.

???: Who are you?

Bravestone: Who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n.

Bravestone: *shocked* Y/n!? Is it really you?

Y/n: Yeah *notices his avatar* Or at least I think so.

Spencer: It's me Spencer.

Y/n: *shocked* Spencer!? What happened to us!?

Spencer: I don't know.

Just then, two people came flying down. One man and one woman. The man was Franklin 'Moose' Finbar. The woman was Ruby Roundhouse.

Finbar: What kinda stupid ass? *noticed Y/n and Spencer* Who are you?

Spencer: Who are you?

They noticed Ruby looking at herself and freaking out as well.

Finbar: Who is she?

Ruby: Who are you guys? Huh?

Finbar: Okay, what the he-

He was interrupted by a man falling on him. The man, in question, is Sheldon Oberon.

Oberon: OmyGod! I am totally sueing- What's wrong with my voice? Where am I?

Finbar: Get off!

Everyone but Y/n and Spencer were freaking out looking at themselves. That's when Y/n said:

Y/n: Oh my God. Fridge?

Fridge?: Yeah I'm Fridge who are you?

Y/n: It's me, Y/n.

Fridge: Y/n!? The Hell happened to you!?

Spencer: Somehow, I don't know how, we got sucked into the game! And we've become the avatars that we chose. So it's me Spencer and yet I look and sound like Dr Smoulder Bravestone.

Fridge was looking like he was calming himself down then looked at Spencer and said:


Spencer: Yes, yes! It's me Spencer! And Fridge you're 'Moose' Finbar, it says it right there on your vest. And Y/n is Oliver Williams. And... Martha?

Martha: Yeah.

Spencer: You're Ruby Roundhouse. And Bethany! You're Professor Shelly Oberon, although Shelly must be short for Sheldon.

Bethany: What are you talking about?

Martha: Oh my God. Oh my God he's right!

Bethany: And you're, you're Spencer? You?

Spencer: Yes! Guys I'm telling you! I AM Spencer! I'm Spenc-

Bird caws and flies by

Spencer: AH!

Fridge: Yep that's Spencer.

Bethany: Y/n is that you?

Y/n: Hey Beth *waves*

(When you were younger, you always called Bethany that.)

Bethany: So that means I... I'm?

She walks over to the water and Y/n and Fridge try to tell her not to.

Bethany: NO!!!...............
I'm an overweight middle aged man.

Martha: Uh! I have a tattoo! My mom always said she'd kill me if I ever had a tattoo!

I noticed I had one on the same arm.

Spencer: I have one too.

Y/n: Obviously, look at yourself.

Spencer: No I have a 3 mark tattoo on. My left arm.

Y/n: Now that's creepy. I have it too, on the same spot.

Bethany: Wait a second! WHERE'S MY PHONE!?!?

I sweatdropped. THIS was the girl I had a crush on? I then looked at Spencer and he was like 'really'. I was like 'unfortunately'.

Martha: Ow! Why am I wearing this in a jungle? Tiny little shorts and a leather halter top? I mean what is this!?

Bethany: I look like a living garden gnome where is my phone!?

Fridge: Who cares!?

Martha: We are in different peoples bodies!

Y/n: We'll find your phone Beth, but let's figure out what's going on first.

Bethany: *sighs angrily* Fine!

Spencer: He's right. I mean I don't have my claritin and I'm alergic to almost everything.

Fridge: Oh no, you have allergies Spencer? Huh? I DON'T HAVE A TOP TWO FEET OF MY BODY!!!

Bethany: You guys, this can't actually be happening! What if we're a coma?

Martha: Together? We're all in a coma together?

Bethany: It's the only explanation! *she was unbeknownst to a hippo coming out of the water creeping towards her* That old game machine must've electrocuted all of us and now we're all-

Right when the hippo came at her, Y/n pushed her out of the way and got eaten.

Fridge: Oh my God! You better get and go save him!

Spencer: I'm not getting in there! You get in there!

Fridge: I'm not going anywhere I got a backpack on! You don't get in water with a backpack everybody knows that!

They all heard a noise up in the sky and saw Y/n fall and land on the ground. He looked so shocked and confused.

Y/n: whoa...

Fridge: WHAT! THE!

Martha: Y/n! Are you okay?

Y/n: That was so intense.

Fridge: What just happened to you?

Y/n: I got eaten by a hippo, and fell from the top of the stratosphere.

Spencer: Yeah, that's what it looked like.

Fridge: Okay what is going on? I mean he fell! Out of the sky!

Martha was looking past Y/n and saw some bushes moving.

Martha: Um guys?

They all looked and saw a hippo emerge from the bushes roaring. Spencer immediately hightailed out of there.

Y/n: Time to go!

They all started running and ran into another hippo. They all ran to waht looked like a road. Just then, a jeep pulled up with a man with ginger hair.

???: Ah, Dr. Bravestone! Welcome to Jumanji!

The doors of the jeep opened up.

???: Don't just stand there, in you go!

They all ran into the jeep, but since there was no more empty seats, Y/n had to sit in the back.

Y/n: This sucks.

Chapter end.
On to the next one...

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