"Oh, yay! I have math next as well," She cheered."Wanna walk to class together?"

"O-Oh, yeah. S-Sure!"

The two walked to the math classroom together, making small talk along the way. They both weren't fairly special people, but they both seemed to be content with that. They were both talentless, everything about them was basic.

Kokichi noticed Miu's notebook, "W-What a-are you d-drawing?"

Miu looked down at the smaller male,"Oh, this? It's some ideas for inventions."

"I-Inventions? That's c-cool," Kokichi slighty tapped the notebook, so he could see."That l-l-looks cool. D-Do you h-have a n-name for i-it?"

"Mhm! I call it eye-drop contacts," She exclaimed."I-urm. Is the name bad or something..?" Her face dropped slightly as she looked back at her sketch.

"N-No! No! The n-names r-really g-good! W-What d-does i-it d-do?" He asked, looking at the sketch some more.

"The name kinda makes it obvious, but eye-drops are kinda used as a subsitute for contacts and all you have to do is squeeze it into your eye and - boom - contacts!" Her eyes sparkled at the thought of her invention working out.

"T-That's r-really cool! M-My b- I mean, f-friend w-wears cont-tacts and m-maybe o-once you f-finish it w-we can try it o-out on them." Kokichi suggested.

Miu's face light up,"Really? Thank you!"

Kokichi smiled gently,"You're welcome. Anything for a friend."

Miu smiled back a toothy grin,"You know, Oma-san, I really like you. Wanna go to- Oop! We're here."

The pair walked into class and sat in their repsective seats,"Hello, class," The teacher stated blankly. She had waist-length black and white hair and she wore a white button-up shirt, black, sleek skirt, black heels, a black belt with a 'GG' logo, red glasses, and a black and white tie.

"Today is just an introduction session. Now, before we begin," She lifted up her glasses for they were sliding down the bridge of her nose."I will call out your names and I would like you to stand up," She paused, picking up her papers."Kaede Akamastu."

A girl with green-ish blonde hair wearing a navy uniform stood up and swiftly sat down.

"Angie Yonaga." A girl with white hair wearing a navy uniform with a black tie gleefully stood up.

"Gonta Gokuhara." A tall, muscular dark greenette with a navy uniform stood up.

"Himiko Yumeno." A short red-headed girl wearing a green uniform shirt with a navy blue skirt slowly stood up.

"Tenko Chabashira." A greenette who's hair reached close to the floor stood up. She wore a white button-up shirt, brown sweater, an unbuttoned navy shirt with a grey pleated skirt.

"Korekiyo Shinguiji." A tall, slender male with very dark green hair that reached his waist stood up. Kokichi noticed that a navy haired male wearing a black cap blushed creepily when Korekiyo stood up. Korekiyo wore a green tie, white undershirt, navy tuxedo-like shirt, a green-ish grey pair of pants, and a grey medical mask.

"Ryoma Hoshi." A very short boy with light brown in an almost buss-cut like style stood up. He wore a light grey shirt with a black over shirt, red tie, and dark grey pleaded pants. Kokichi heard a few snickers echoing the room; and a few comments on Ryoma's height.

"Kirumi Tojo." A very pretty girl with pastel green hair that was shoulder length and some hair covered one of her eyes stood up. She wore a blue uniform shirt and a blue uniform skirt the dropedd down below her knees and black tights.

"Keebo." A pale albino male weaing a navy button down shirt and navy pants stood up. He slightly lifted up his hat, so you could see his face.

Maki Harukawa." A brunette with low pigtails stood up. She had on a navy button down shirt with a blue and black striped tie, dark green pleated skirt, and black knee-high socks.

"Tsumugi Shirogani." The said bluenette stood up, wearing a white shirt, blue bow, and a blue skirt.

"Miu Iruma." Miu stood up slowly, but confidently. The two males who picked on her stared in frustration. She looked at them and suddenly plopped down.

"Shuichi Saihara." The navy haired male stood up, still glaring at Korekiyo. He had on a black overshirt with a green-ish blue tie, white undershirt, black pants, and a black cap. Korekiyo looked at Shuichi and suddenly turned his head away flustered.

"Kaito Momota." Kaito stood up and stared daggers into Kokichi's back. Then looked at Miu again and sat down.

"Rantaro Amami." Rantaro stood up silently and sat back down without a word.

"Kokichi Oma." The teacher called out his name, startling him. Kokichi stood up silenly, looking at his feet. He felt eyes on him, more specifically Kaito's. Kokichi wore a black button down shirt, the collar covering his neck, black pants, and a few bandaids here and there on his face and fingers. He closed his eyes and sat back down.

"That is everyone I believe. Please raise your hand if your name was not called," She paused."Alright, class. You may call me," She turned around, putting her paper gently on her desk. She picked up a marker, the cap making a squeal as she opened it. The baord has the words, "Ms. Mono" on it. The marker tapped the name. "You may call me Ms. Mono."

Kaito snorted, "Ha! What type of name is that? Ms. Mono?!" He pointed to the board.

"Momota, ask that you respect your peers." Ms. Mono sternly stated, staring at him. Kaito shivered, "Thank you."

"Class, if you may lift up your desks--" She looked at Kaede, who was already lifting the top of her desk."I never said now. If you lift up your desks, you will find all the belongings for you class. You may now lift up your desks." The room was filled with whispers and creaks from the desks.

"You will see your notebook, a pack of pencils, highlighters, and pens; a calculator, a ruler, and your math textbook. Your math textbook has all of your assignments, your notebook has already been labeled by lesson and unit. If you will grab both your textbook and notebook." Ms. Mono started to erase her name and wrote, 'Lesson 1 - Pre-algebra'.

"I will now ask you to flip to page 5." She grabbed her notebook and flipped to the said page. Kokichi fumbled with the pages until he got to his desired place. He opened his desk and grabbed a pencil and highlighter just in case. Kokichi placed his pencil ontopof the notebook he slid in the corner of his desk.


Kokichi placed his items back into his desk and grabbed his backpack from the back of his chair. Kokichi stood up and walked to Miu, "H-Hey, M-Miu-san. D-Do you want to-to walk to the g-garden wi-with me..?" He asked.

Miu smiled gently, "Of course, Oma-san!" She slung her backpack over her back, picking up her notebook once again.

They walked to the garden, passing by some of their classmates. They walked in silence; it wasn't an awkward silence in which both parties didn't know what to say - it was a comfortable silence. Although they met only a few hours ago, they both felt like they knew each other for years. Kokichi held the door for Miu and the two walked to a tree on a hill.

The tree sat alone with a few flowers surrounding it, blossoms grew off the broad tree. The flowers were a pastel pink; they stood out from the grass for they were a gorgeous sight. Kokichi and Miu leaned on the tree, still in a comfortable silence. Kokichi leaned on Miu's shoulder, hoping not to cause any awkwardness. He silently watched Miu draw ideas for machines.

Kokichi's eyes grew heavy, Miu noticing. She smiled and wrapped her hand around his back, soothing him to sleep. She softly placed down her notebook and closed her eyes - smiling. 

[OLD] So Much to Know - An Oumami StoryWhere stories live. Discover now