Meeting Jared Cameron

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You sat in class eagerly waiting for the lunch bell to ring. You hated English because you didn't have any friends in there so you were always sat at the back, alone.

"Miss (L/N) would you mind reading the last paragraph?" Asked your teacher. You sighed. "Oh are you to important to read out?" She asked, you just shook your head. "Then stand up and read!" She said sounding annoyed.

You stood up and the whole class started staring at you, including Jared and Quil, two of Uley's followers. You quickly began reading, hoping someone would save you but of course no one did.

You noticed Jared's eyes were glued to you, well everyone was staring but he was glaring at you. You started to feeling uncomfortable and lost where you was. "Sit down Miss (L/N)!" Said your teacher sighing. "You can stay behind after the bell to read!" She said smirking.

You Quickly sat down and berried my face in embarrassment. You looked over and saw that Jared was still staring at you. What did this guy want?

The bell finally rang and everyone quickly exited. After you had finished reading your teacher ushered towards the door and set you free.

Once you closed the door behind you, you noticed that Jared was stood there waiting by himself. Was he waiting for you? Impossible!

"Hi." He said smiling. You quickly sent him a weak smile and rushed off to meet your friends. As you shot around the corner you heard him sigh. "Where were you?" Questioned your friend.

You sat down beside her and sighed. "My stupid English teacher made me read out in class." She looked confused as to why that would make you late.

"So?" She questioned. "Well you know those boys that hang around with Sam Uley?" You said making her nod.

"Well Jared, the one in my English class was staring at me and I lost my place so she made me stay behind to read the whole page!" Your friends all snickered earning them a death glare.

After lunch finished you headed towards your next class. The corridors were filled and you struggled to get to your locker.

Suddenly you felt a large warm hand grab hold of your wrist and pull you past everyone. "This is your locker right?" Asked a guy.

When you looked at whose hand was holding you, you saw it was Jared's. You nodded. "Yeah, thanks." You said opening it and grabbing your books.

For some odd reason Jared stayed by your side until you were finished with your locker. The entire time he was staring at you! "Thanks." You before walking away.

You stopped for a moment before opening your mouth to speak up. "Do you wanna sit with me in English?" You said not turning around.

You were clenching the book against your chest as you waited for his reply. "Yeah, I'd love to." He said sounding happy.

You nodded before scurrying off. You didn't know why but he made you fell- different and you kind of liked that.


I think this is pretty bad so I'll probably change it later on!

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