"I wasn't expecting that."

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"I j-j-just came to hang out." Bill stated.

"You could've just told me that instead of getting my hopes up!" I exclaimed. He laughed at me for a second, but we were interrupted.

"Luxxy! We're home!" My dad exclaimed from downstairs. I motioned for Bill to run and climb down the tree as fast as he could. My dad barged in.

"Hey, Luxxy." He pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, Jack." I smirked. I had always called him Jack, as he had asked me to for as long as I could remember. He said that 'dad' made him feel old. It was a To Kill a Mockingbird situation.

"I went to California. It was good. Me and your mother were thinking of moving there." He smiled, knowing that I wasn't going to take it well.

"Huh." I stared him down, feeling nothing. I had just made friends and I was going to be leaving them.

"Derry isn't really the nicest place. Too small for an adventerous girl like you." He explained calmly, trying to get me to oblige.

"But Derry has more wooded areas to explore. I enjoy those over beached cities." I frowned. I was holding back my tears.

"That's my point. I don't want you to be in those wooded areas alone after the Denbrough boy is found. That is, if he ever is found." My dad hugged me tightly.

"I never go alone." I said, hoping he'd change his mind.

"Really? Who do you go with?" My dad asked.

"Well, uh... let's see. Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, and Mike Hanlon." I smiled at remembering their names.

"Oh, yes. The Denbrough boy is nice. I remember when you guys were best friends." My dad gave me an approving smile.

"The Uris boy is also acceptable." My mom came in the room, champagne in hand. "I'm not so sure about the Tozier boy. I've met Maggie, she is quite lovely. But, the boy is rowdy and obnoxious. The Kaspbrak boy is another story. Sonia is very unusual. The boy, I expect, is no different."

My mom pissed me off royally. Her and I had never gotten along great, we were opposite. My dad was a whole other story. When he wasn't away, he was my best friend. We'd sing our favorite songs, eat our favorite foods, and watch our favorite movies. He got me. I was a true Baker. All true Baker's were like my dad and I.

"That Marsh girl is dirty, I recommend not being around her anymore." My mom snarled.

"Beverly is sweet. You hear rumors created by that little bitch Greta Keene." I wanted to hardcore slap my mother.

"Lux Rae Baker! Language!" My mother exclaimed.

"It's true." I shrugged.

"Luxxy, it may be best if you get some sleep." My dad kissed me on the forehead.

"Fine." I pouted. I went to my bed. My dad closed the door, making sure I was in bed. I got up and looked to see if Bill was still out there. He jumpscared me.

"Is e-everything alright?" The stuttery voice scared me.

"Yeah." I shrugged. Bill came back inside, sitting on my bed. He looked around my room.

"What's th-that?" He asked, pointing towards my photo wall.

"A photo wall." I stood, "It's my whole life, in pictures of course."

"Wow." He smiled. There were pictures of me from birth until yesterday. Bill smiled at an old photo of us. I couldn't remember the context of the image, but I was beating him with a Barbie doll. (Justice for little Bill)

Afraid - Bill Denbrough x OCWhere stories live. Discover now