Chapter Two - She's Awake

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"Fred, take this up to that girl please," Mrs Weasley said, pushing a bunch of weird objects out of his hands that him and George were obsessing over and laying the tray in his hands instead.

"What?! Why me?! I don't even know the girl! She could sit up and strangle me for all you know!" He ballowed at his mother laying the tray back down on the table crossing his arms.

"Don't fuss and do it!" His mother yelled, then went back to cooking the dinner for the rest of them.

Fred huffed, standing up taking the tray and started making his way towards the 3rd floor. Once he got to the room he was looking for, he opened the door to find the girl laying in her bed slow breaths slowly escaping her slightly parted lips. Fred set the tray down on her bedside table and looked at her for a moment. The colour had come back to her skin, as she was a light tanned colour. Her long black hair flowed down to her shoulders slightly covering up the large scar that spread across it, probably the worst she had coming with a few days ago after we had found her in the drawing room. Her face had reterned to its normal shape, thin, her cheek bones emphasizing the size of her eyes rimmed with long lashs that fluttered every so often. Of course Fred had never seen her eyes but was intrigued at the thought of what colour they could be.

Fred was so caught up in taking every light feature of the girl that he hadn't noticed her eyes fluttering more than they had in the past  few days, and her lips curving up into a smirk

"You know it's rude to stare," Fred jumped back as the soft, elegant voice left the lips he had just been staring at. Fred looked back into the large sea, blue/green eyes that were examining him now. Fred hadn't realised just how beautiful the girl was now her eyes were open, but they contuined to stare at each other, Fred, from the gorund, the girl, from her bed.

"I- I- Ah... Sorry- I didn't mean to-" Fred stammered as she chuckled lightly at his embarrassment.

"It's fine honestly," She smiled. "Thanks for the food by the way, I'm starving!" She told him pulling the tray onto her lap.

He contuined to watch her finish of the tray and settle back down before he decided to ask.

"Who are you?" Fred asked simply, but she looked a bit taken back.

"Has Dumbledore not sent a letter yet?" She look wery at the idea.

"Well no, but I was hoping you could tell me?" Fred asked as she started to pull of the covers and get out of bed. But Fred quickly ran around the other side and just catching her as she began to stumble. It was awkward for a moment as he held onto her.

"Ahh... I don't think you should get out of bed. I can call up-"

"No, no. That's fine, really. I'll just get changed and come down stairs. Thanks." She cut him off, quickly walking over to the bathroom with a pile of clothes that lay on the chair next to the window and made her way to the door opposite her bed closing it before quickly re-opening it mumbling "thats not the bathroom" as she made her way out the door into the hall.

Fred stood looking after her for a little while before heading back down stairs, sitting back down next to Goerge whom was occupied by the objects they were fiddling with before.

"Is everything alright Fred? You were up there for a while." Mrs Weasley asked holding a dish she was drying  with a tea towel.

"Yeah- Ah.. No- I mean, she's awake and-" again Fred had been cut off but by the plate that had slipped through Mrs Weasley fingers and smashed, sending shards of china across the floor.

"She's what?!" Mrs Weasley yelled, before quickly flicking her wand as the plate fixed itself back on the floor before the door of the kitchen opened and there stood the girl, fully dressed looking shocked as all eyes fell upon her.

**Authors Note**

Fred Was staring at her!!! :O Anyway please comment on what you think at the moment any suggestions or thing just tell me :) Thanks for reading!

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