Twenty-Six - Burns

Start from the beginning

"Good, I know you're more than adept with your H2O quirk, let's move on to the wind." Endeavour instructed as he ignited a small candle and placed it on a table in the centre of the room. He stepped to the side and crossed his arms, waiting for Ren to make her move. This was the quirk she had the least grasp on, even when she lost control and her body would manifest its power without her thinking about it, the wind was like a last resort. It was the last quirk that had manifested from the serum and so she'd had the least amount of testing and training with her father for this one.

Ren wasn't even sure how to move her body or hands to get it working. She held her arms in front of her, and focusing as hard as she could on the air touching her hands, she pushed forward. The small flame barely flickered. Ren bit her bottom lip, trying again to concentrate and centre her focus to her palms. She pushed her energy forwards again and again the flame barely flickered. She dropped her arms and sighed. "I don't know if I can go harder than that." She muttered between clenched teeth.

"It's a start." Endeavour said with a nod as he stepped up to the candle, extinguishing it with his forefinger and thumb. "Now, the earth." He gestured to a tub of sand next to the table.

Ren gnawed on the inside of her cheek as she bent down to the tub. She shoved both hands into the sand, once again focusing on how the grains moved under her palm and between her fingers. She took in a deep breath, pushing her energy forwards as hard as she could. The sand began to slowly vibrate against her hands and then shift about within the plastic tub. She gritted her teeth and clenched her hands around the sand. The tub cracked and some of the sand shot out of the small crack she'd created. Ren tumbled back to the ground, panting heavily and already feeling almost spent of her energy.

"Better." He stepped over and observed how much damage she'd been able to inflict on the tub. "Can you use these quirks defensively?"

"H2O..." She panted and clambered up to her feet. "...Definitely. With some practice, I'm sure I'd be able to use the other two defensively as well."

"The other three." Endeavour corrected her. "Fire can be as defensive as it is offensive. Now please, show me what you can do."

Ren furrowed her brow, the only time she'd been able to directly control flames was when they'd already been created by Todoroki or the accidental time in court. She squeezed her eyes shut, her shoulders hunched as she clenched her fists together tightly. She thought about her siblings, she thought about her friends she'd lost, she thought about the Nomu attack in Okinawa. Her hair lifted within the ponytail and sparks shot around her arms and to her fists but no flames erupted from her body.

She yelled out as the heat within her body built up to a painful point but still no flames erupted to release the extreme heat. "I-I can't!" She finally cried, collapsing to her knees and panting heavily. Her body temperature dropped back down and her breathing slowed back to normal.

"We're essentially starting from scratch with your training then." He sighed and stepped over to Ren. "There's one more thing we need to test." Endeavour held his hand out and a flame ignited in his palm. "Hold out your arm and roll your sleeve up." Ren was hesitant. "Please."

She pulled the sleeve on her right arm up until it rolled up to her elbow. She stepped closer to Endeavour and held her arm closer to him. He took her wrist with the hand that didn't have a flame in it, and held the ignited palm under her arm. "Are you ready?" He asked. Ren gulped before she nodded. He increased the strength of his flame until it engulfed the entirety of her forearm. "Relax." He instructed when he felt Ren's wrist tense in his loose grip.

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