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A/N: Quick authors note since I don't know how to do nice notes on here like on AO3, I don't really know how to use this app but I'm trying to crosspost some of my fanfics onto here. I'm still trying to figure out how to use the tagging system.

Hawke really did know he went too far, sometimes. He just didn't understand why they got upset. No one ever explained it to him! They just gave him a dirty look, maybe a "Really, Hawke?" or a "Not now, Hawke". But never an explanation as to why he shouldn't say what was on his mind.

For example.

Hawke entered Aveline's office, wanting to ask her to come with him on a job to the Wounded Coast. He found her sitting at her desk, staring wistfully at her husband's old, beat up shield. She was stroking it, her gauntlets making a slight scraping noise as they glided gently along the surface.

"You still have that?" Hawke asked, shaking his head.

"Yes, ever since that day you tried to sell it," Aveline glared at him, "I've kept it with me."

"I don't even think anyone would be willing to buy a piece of junk like that," Hawke tilted his head, "It probably couldn't block an attack from a butter knife."

"What do you want, Hawke? Did you come here just to antagonize me?" Aveline asked, frowning at Hawke.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come to the Wounded Coast. But, uh, right now."

"Not today, Hawke," Aveline sighed, "It's the anniversary of Wesley's death."

"Are you still on about that?" Hawke asked, knowing by the look on Aveline's face he had gone too far again but unable to stop talking, "It's been years, Aveline."

"And what about you?" Aveline said hotly, her voice full of anger. She stood from her seat and approached Hawke meaningfully.

"What about me?" Hawke asked, "I don't see how this has anything to do with me."

"Did you even grieve for Bethany? Or Carver, for that matter?" Aveline asked sharply, jabbing a finger into Hawke's chest.

Hawke cocked his head at the question. Of course he did. Bethany was his favorite. He had been so, so sad. Carver had been an asshole, but he was still his brother and it had been partially Hawke's fault he died. If she had been there when he died, she would have known Hawke grieved for him. But it had been years. It was time to move on.

"Yes?" Hawke furrowed his brow. He knew he wasn't going to be able to stop the words forming in his head from being spoken if Aveline didn't let this go.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Aveline said, still glaring up at him.

"What, because I don't whine about it all the time? Not all of us are such drama queens, Aveline."

He should have expected the punch, really, but those gauntlets. They were not kind to him.

Aveline didn't speak to him for almost a month after that. He refused to apologize and so did she. Not until Varric had a conversation with her and somehow convinced her to speak to him again.

And he was having one such conversation, now.

"Maker, that's all you go on about, huh?" Hawke said in exasperation as Anders went on another rant about mage freedom. Anders paused.


"Mage this, mage that, it gets so old so quickly," Hawke complained.

"I agree," Fenris chimed in from a little behind them.

Rude Boys Can Find Love, Too - FenHawkeWhere stories live. Discover now