Chapter Two: Confusion

Start from the beginning

He winced in pain as I gently pressed the wipe onto one of his cuts. I noticed his knuckles clench harder in his lap at his uneasiness.

"You know, I'm sorry for pushing you over earlier. I have no idea what came over me." I say softly as his  blue eyes locked with mine. It wasn't a genuine apology, but I didn't hate him.

I only disliked him.

His lifeless expression altered the longer we made eye contact. I almost froze, not knowing how to react. Unable to look away from him.

Why did I feel this way?

I break our eye contact before things get weird, trying to push these abnormal thoughts away.

"It doesn't matter." he mutters.

I lightly brush his cuts with the disinfectant wipe, cleaning off any blood that was oozing out of the opening. His fists opened and his hands squeezed down on his knees.

"Stop it stings." he snarls, pushing my hand away.

"I don't know what you expect, you're the one that got in a fight, Malfoy." I say angrily clenching the wipe in my hand.

He lets out a heavy sigh, trying to avoid eye contact once again. He sucked in a cool breath as I continued cleaning the cuts on his face. His blue eyes traveled anywhere but my face, hoping this wouldn't last forever.

"I don't hate you. You're arrogant and full of yourself but that's no reason to hate you." I comply.

"You're friends with Victoria Newton, correct?" he asks, simply ignoring my statement. "Yeah, of course you are. She's Pansy's friend. An annoying git that one is."

"She's not annoying, she's nice once you get to know her. Maybe she can teach you a thing or two." I respond in frustration.

He insulted one of my only friends at this school. Sure I had just met her, but I don't have any Slytherin friends.

A slow song plays on the radio and I almost hesitate to touch his face. I place gel on my finger and slowly caress his cuts with it. I quickly glance at his eyes and mouth for a bit but look away before it gets too serious.

"How did this all happen?" I ask softly.

"I got in a fight, I think it's pretty obvious, Torres." he replies in irritation.

I look down as I take away my hand from his face. I notice the blood on his hands and grab another wipe.

I wipe his hands slowly and carefully with the cloth in mine. I can hear the heartbeat in my chest going faster. A slow song is supposed to make my heart beat slower but being closer to him makes it hard. I'm afraid my greatest fear has come true.

I was nervous around him.

It is silent between us only the music plays. The lyrics are filled with love between two people filled with hate. I finish cleaning his hands and look up at him.

"I'm gonna go now." he says standing up from my bed. He didn't even care to thank me.

"Malfoy? You mentioned about the note earlier, I didn't send it to you, but I might consider going." I say softly. I didn't like him in the slightest as I felt sorry for him. He looked alone, as if he never knew the feeling of being kind to someone.

His heart was dark and filled with pure hatred.

He nods his head and leaves without a word. He didn't look like he wanted to go, and I wasn't expecting him to. I might not go either.

The memory of him was engraved in my mind as I walk down to dinner. I didn't want to see him, but I wouldn't be angry if I did.

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