Chapter 1 : The school accident

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' Today's School! I can't wait! I hope everyone is nice not like those people from the old hometown..' I thought and smile " Y/N! Come on! We're gonna miss the bus! " Pacifica shout I got downstairs and take some toast on my mouth " Okay come on! " Pacifica hold my hand and we run to the bus

" Your almost late Y/N,Gideon, and Pacifica." The bus driver said and rolled his eyes " I'm very sorry! It wouldn't happen again " I said politely " Yeah,Yeah just get to your seats " The bus driver said annoyed " all the seats are taken... I gotta sit with Dipper? " I said calmly " well you have no choice Y/N.." Gideon said quietly " Fine " I sit beside Dipper and I looked at him " Uhh.. hey... You must be Dipper right? " I said trying to make a conversation with him " Yes, You already know my name. Then why did you ask again? " Dipper looked very pissed

I rolled my eyes and looked at Pacifica and Gideon, they looked kinda worried about me but I shrug it off " Hey uh sorry for my actions L/N.." I heard the brown haired boy said that scratching his hair " It's alright! Atleast you apologize once. " I said smiling brightly I saw Dipper blush a bit, " Hehe why are you blushing? " I asked then Chuckled " Whatever L/N " Dipper said while he was covering his face " Your here kids! " The bus driver said " Thank you for the ride sir! " I said and walk away from the bus " Wow Y/N! You talked to Dipper! That's so cool! " Pacifica said very happy

" It shouldn't be a surprise Paz! " I said smiling awkwardly " Come on we have school Y/N-Chan! " Pacifica said then grabbed my hand

At lunch
" Hey Y/N,Gideon,Pacifica Come sit with us! " I heard a brown haired girl shout at her lunch seat " Come on guys, We don't want to be bullied.." Gideon whispered, We walk towards there seats and sat down " So what do you need? " Pacifica asked shaking a bit " We would like you to sit with us just for a day " Dipper said and winked at me, I blush and covered my face with my phone " Hehe..." I heard The brown Haired boy chuckled " Oh I have math now! Well see you Guys soon! " I said cheerfully

Dipper's POV
' Y/N has Math now..Ugh I want to spend time with her ' I thought and rolled my eyes and got up, I walk to the halls and saw Y/N got beaten up " Y/N! Are you alright?! " I was worried and carried Y/N " Oh my what happened to Mrs L/N? " The nurse said shocked " She got beaten up by someone " I said and put her in the bed and I walked out of the infimary,
' I'll make that person pay ' I thought and walk to the Security room " What do you need Mr Gleeful? " the security guard said " Who did beat up L/N? "

I said dead serious " It was..." The sucurity Guard was searching the right scene (Sorry if it sounds weird) " It was Lula Kiora Eri " The Guard said " Thank you " I said and walked to see Grunkle Ford " Grunkle Ford! Can you tell me what schedule Lula Kiora Eri has? " I said smiling well a serious smile not a easy smile " She has Free period " Ford say but still looking at his laptop " Thank you Ford " I said and walked to the halls, ' gotcha Kiora! ' i thought and approached Lula " H-hi there Dipper! " Lula said blushing very hard " I wanna talk to you Lula " I said smirking " O-if course! " Lula said and followed me " Here we are! " I said grinning " This is the dumpster Dipper! What the fuck are we here!? " Kiora commented

I summoned a knife in my hand and stab Lula Million times ' Great my clothes are dirty because of this shit ' I thought and drag Lula's right leg and throw her in the dumpster " Don't mess with my Y/N Kiora " I said and snap my fingers " Perfect! Now there is no blood on me! "

Two hours late (Y/N's POV)
After I recovered
I heard lots of screaming at the back of school, " There's a dead body on the dumpster! " I was shock " it's kiora's dead body! " Some student say I got up and take my bag from the locker and saw the dead body I was shock and shake in fear ' is it all my fault?! This is very scary.. Who did it? I dont know who but I hope Lula's in a better place ' I thought and got home " Hey Y/N! Can I walk home with you? " I heard Dipper said that I stopped and looked back " Oh sure come on Dipshit! " I said and we walked together

' Still though who did kill Kiora? Was it... No! No! No! Its impossible if Dipper is responsible for Kio's death! ' I thought and sleep

Hi everyone! Btw this is my second story I've made! If you haven't seen my first story it's a Mabel x Fem reader story! Well see you in the next Chapter
Made by : Chocolateichigo12
Word count : 873

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