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"That's your damn problem, (y/n)," his words shot freezing cold daggers through the air, chosen syllables punctuated by sharp, slight, tilts of his head.

You nearly flinched at the harshness of them before hardening your expression once more. A look, similar to that of betrayal, painted your face as you let out a scoff that was accompanied by a small sarcastic smile and the slight shake of your head.

He followed up his statement, "You aren't even trying to be happy!" It seemed as if the words were being ripped from his vocal cords; laced with venom, anti-dote, and a stern voice.

Your hardened expression turned into a blank one.

You were shutting down, shutting off, shutting everything out; choosing to block out his words as you maintained your cold exterior, and he continued to speak.

Your eyes fell to the tile floor that had nearly stung your feet with cold, before they rose once more, reaching a point just barely below Katsuki's chin.

You let your mind wander as you locked your gaze on to the granite kitchen counters in front of you, behind Katsuki. An image of the day you and him moved into your shared apartment flashed in your mind.

You had tuned out Katsuki's voice at this point, and instead let your mind drift to all the memories you had in this space.

Your personal favourite being the many slow dances you two had shared late at night, on the same floor you were planted on top of now. The memories were wrapped in a bubble of the love you could never seem to put into words.

You nearly smiled at the thought before you were ripped out of your trance, "Are you even listening to me? (y/n), you can't keep doing this! You never come to me. You never ask me for help. Why am I even here if you won't let me be there for you?"

His calloused hands found their way to his hair, gripping it harshly before they slid down his face in pure frustration.

You maintained your cold stare, only now letting it bore into his eyes. You knew he was right, but you couldn't come up with a reason that you thought he would like.

I don't want to bother you. I feel like a burden. It makes me feel weak. I don't want to scare you away.

Of course you had your reasons, they were the same reasons you were staying quiet in this very moment.

He stared at you with a pleading look, one composed of anger and the slightest hint of sadness; his features entirely clouded by frustration. "GOD!" He whisper yelled, a slight voice crack sneaking its way into the end of the exclamation.

Even in moments like this, he never wanted you to fear him. Subsequently, he refrained from yelling as best as he could.

You were practically egging him on at this point, as he so desperately tried to draw a response from you.

"You can't keep choosing to suffer in silence when I'm right here!"

Finally, you spoke, "What do you care, Bakugou?" Your words came out harsher than you had intended, they were coated in anger, and fueled by lack of communication.

He flinched at the use of his last name, his expression dropping and revealing one of slight sadness mixed with disbelief, while anger still lingered.

"The hell do you mean 'What do I care?' I'm your boyfriend for Christ's sake!" He spat out, still not letting his words reach a volume loud enough to be considered a yell.

Opening up was something you had never been good at, had never liked. You didn't want to drag other people in to what you were going through, let alone give them something to use against you.

You didn't want to ask for help, you never felt like what you went through was even bad enough to do so. You were fine. You could handle it.

When Katsuki began to notice the faint remains of tear streaks, the smiles that stopped meeting your eyes, and the slight numbness that stained your features, worry grew like roses in his head; thorns included.

The argument had begun with a less-than-believable, "I'm fine," flowing from your mouth. The heated conversation was tinted with emotions that ranged far beyond anger and pettiness.

Everything led to this very moment.

"So? I said I'm fine," you said monotonously, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But you're not!" He spoke quickly, raising his voice slightly as the moment intensified, "Do you think I'm stupid, (y/n)? You're not fine, and I can tell! Why won't you just let me help you?!" He said desperately, anger lacing his tone.

You felt the moment build, like a bubble waiting to be popped.

"I'm fine."

"Stop lying to me!" His volume was dangerously close to a yell, falling in the gray area between two forms of speaking.

"FINE." you yelled, "I didn't want to bother you!"


"Is that good enough for you, Katsuki? Is that what you wanted to hear? F**king hell!" You exhaled sharply, watching as his angered expression softened into one of sadness and surprise.

He watched intently as you narrowed your eyes at him while letting out a short, sarcastic laugh before turning and walking out of the kitchen.

"(y/n) wait-," he stopped himself, placing his head in his hands. "Sh*t," he said harshly under his breath.

author's note:
hi! i haven't written stuff like this before lolol and i don't really know how posting on wattpad works😭but if people see this, i can make a part two! i didn't mean for it to end with angst, i just got writers block lol

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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