Falling Off the Ledge

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Kie watched him run off and yelled out, "Pope, hurry!" Cassie watched as Sarah kept hovering, whispering in his ear, then planting a kiss on his lips. She bent down next to Sarah, who looked up. Cassie could see in her eyes that she didn't want to move off of her lover, but Cassie was his best friend. And he needed his best friend. Cassie nodded, gratefully, cupping his face with her soft hands, hugging his head to her chest. "Brandy? Brandy, we're going to get help, okay? Everything is going to be just fine, just stay with me." JJ watched his Cassie shed a tear and try to wipe it away quickly. More fell.

Cassie and John B had always had a very close relationship. Cassie had learned to sail a boat with him and his father when they were toddlers and every day they would make a pact to never leave each other. Their relationship was purely platonic except for John B's major crush in the fourth grade. He had earned the nickname Brandy, in the sixth grade. They had found an old bottle and it looked like yummy apple juice, so they took some sips and threw it up an hour later, earning the name Brandy. John B knew almost everything about Cassie, from head to toe and even if she was attached to JJ, she relied on John B as her rock when JJ was off being oblivious.

Seeing her best friend, lying on the ground, groaning and in pain made Cassie break inside. If any of his injuries were worse than bad, she wouldn't be able to live without him. So from seeing him quickly leave the van to seeping into the dirt, made her think that anything could happen, to any of her Pogues at any moment. Looking up at JJ, who then bent down and wrapped an arm around her, made her wonder if anything happened to her beautiful JJ, he would never know what she was feeling, and that was an unbearable idea.

Sarah watched as Cassie was now the girl to hover over him. She knew they were close friends but she could tell that John B was one of the most important people in her life, no matter who he loved or what he did to mess up.

So soon enough, help came and John B was a fighter.


Cassie stayed at the hospital all night. JJ had stayed with her most of the night but she had insisted that he leave and go get cleaned up, which he begrudgingly agreed to. She raided the candy machine and slept on the uncomfortable chairs outside his room. She got strange looks at her dress and makeup, her hair messy and put up into a stressed bun. She woke up to Ward's voice. He was getting adopted.

Sarah poked her head out of the door, "Um, Cassie, he's awake."

She shot up and rounded the door to see him. John B gave a smile immediately, "Hey, Cass." "Brandy," she breathed out and hugged him in record speed. He wrapped his arm around her with his broken wrist tightly, "It's okay, I'm okay."

Cassie let out a small sob into his arms, "You scared the shit out of me." "Well, I'm good- great, now." Cassie pulled away while he put his hand in hers, "I'm going to be just fine."
Cassie gave another squeeze and smiled brightly at him. Soon the smile turned into a frown, "Ugh, I'm so sorry Brandy, I have to go home and tend to house stuff. Actually, no- Cassie what are you thinking? I can't leave you alone right now-" 

"Cassie, I'm okay, go home, get some food, change. We'll meet later today, okay?"

Cassie gave a small nod and kissed the top his head, getting up from the bed. She passed Ward Cameron and she let out a small, "Thank you." He smiled and nodded as Cassie stopped at the door and turned, blowing a kiss, "Don't overuse your wrist." She went to leave but pulled herself back, turning and whispering, "And don't make out in front of Kie and me yet."

Sarah and John B blushed as Cassie rolled her eyes and left the room, riding back home to change into some movable clothes.


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