chapter 3

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POV- y/n.

"Well, since we are playing with you, the stakes should definitely be higher than y/n and I were planning, I'll let you choose what you want to gamble for, however for the gamble, how about a classic game of "die"?

The rules are very simple. We each get given a die and throw it in turns after placing our bets on what number we think it will land on, and depending on who has the closest number to the one they guessed, that person is the winner of that round and takes the bets placed. There are ten rounds, and whoever wins the most rounds wins the overall game. However, there are, of course some exceptions. If two people throw the same number which happens to be the highest thrown, which happens often, you just keep throwing between yourselves until you get a winner.

This game is all about luck, so Yumeko I'm afraid your well known intelligence and skills won't help. Although this game may sound boring and too easy, I assume you it's extremely fun when there is a lot at risk." Runa finished.

"Simple, but a nice way to tone down our matches in complexity" Mary mused.

"Yes, that sounds good, let's do it! As for the stakes-" Yumeko said while looking thoughtfully at me.

"-I suppose the stakes don't have to be too high, as we have only just met. How about loser has to pay and take the rest out for dinner? It Isn't a lot to risk, but I could use a break from the school dinners and it could be a good chance for us to get to know each other!" Yumeko finally replied, breaking her gaze away from you.

"I mean, I'm in if you are Yumeko"

"Sure! Let's do it!"

Having all shared their answer, they all turned to look at me.

"Why not, I agree with Yumeko, I could really use a break from the dinners here and I'd like to make some more friends" I said, smiling.

"Great! Lets begin then, I'll keep track of the scores while we play, don't worry, I'm completely neutral." Runa announced while passing out different coloured dices to everyone in turn, then leading us to a an empty school desk and flipping it over to reveal a square table with small borders on the sides to prevent any die falling out when you throw them.

"Is everyone ready?" Yumeko asked. After seeing everyone nod, she continued. "Alright then! Let's start round one."

"That's right! Y/n, you're up first." Runa pointed out.


(435 words)

•"It's always been you."• (Kirari Momobami x Female Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें