Rhiannon looks at me in complete bewilderment. I'm too stunned to say anything for a moment. Koda speaks up.

"Why are you so keen on punishing her for a mistake that was really no ones fault to begin with?"

"Koda! Hold you tongue. You of all people should be for this. Your mother died because those two led a lone wolf back to the tribe!"

"If mother were here she would tell you to stop punishing an innocent."

"Nate, we mustn't forget this is overwhelming to her. She came back home for the sole reason of finding Nikan. She loves him. She just needs some time to adjust." Mom is on my side. I smile at her. She nods subtly.

"I also propose we ban her from any and all tribal duties if she is to be mated with Nikan."

"Why are you doing this?" I grit my teeth and my knuckles grow white from the pressure I'm putting on them.

"For the safety of your people. They come first."

"This is a borderline cult. You can't exclude her just because she comes from the outside." Rhiannon speaks boldly. Her green eyes meet mine in reassurance.

"I can if it keeps your future children alive."

"You're crucifying her before she's had a chance to even meet the people! It's my fault. I've kept her to myself but I will prove to you that she is a worthy mate and leader." I state with any authority I can muster.

"Nate, this is outrageous. She is meant to be an equal leader. You cannot do this." Mom is angry with him. So am I.

"I'm doing this for the people. She is a human outsider who knows nothing of our ways. How could she protect the people? With that bow of hers?" Dad says sarcastically.

"Well she hits the bullseye every time so maybe she would. What's it to you how she defends the people? Are you really saying she's too weak to be my mate and equal?"

"I don't know if she is. Fate dealt you an unfamiliar hand. The last outsider killed two shifters"

"You haven't given the girl a chance." Lee states.

"She doesn't need one I vote yes to the proposal." Kodas dad says and Koda let's out a growl. My heart swells with pride. He hasn't even met her and he's defending her.

"I vote no. She deserves a chance. Fate wouldn't bring her to us if she was to be counted out." Lee says.

"Let me
Remind you fate messed up before." Kodas father says bitterly.

"I vote yes. For our children." Rhiannon's mom votes.

"No. There is no prior law stating a human outsider is not permitted. We aren't here to settle old scores." Rhiannon's father says.

"No, that's my sons future you are toying with. She will be his equal." Mom says confidently.

"The vote is tied so I suggest we at least ensure she spends time with the people and she must mate with Nikan by New Year's Day. If she has proven herself unfit before Christmas Day the current council will move to ensure she will not sit on the council with the rest of the upcoming shifters however we do not
Interfere with the mating process." Lee reasons. I growl at the suggestion that she will prove herself incapable.

"All in favor?" This time it's four to two. Mom and Rhiannon's father held their ground.

Immediately we leave the building and head over to our favorite meeting spot, the lake.

"What was all that about? Why is your dad so determined to keep you from mating? It goes against everything we know!" Rhiannon shouts. I growl in frustration.

"I don't know! I need to see her. There's a lot she doesn't know yet."

"We will help her adjust. She handled finding out about your ability to shift. She can handle this." Koda reassures.

"Why don't you bring her back here tomorrow? She can meet us and then we can come up with a way to help her out." Rhiannon suggests.

"You need to explain what's going on. Tonight. Don't let them blindside her." Koda wraod Rhiannon in his arms.

"I know. I just feel like I'm turning her world upside down. I wanted to take it slow. She isn't where I am. What if she rejects me? I don't think I'll survive that."

"Wait, have you told her how you feel?" Rylin asks. I nod. He whistles low.

"And she said nothing back?" Rhiannon asks curiously as she tucks a dark curl behind her ear.

"I didn't exactly give her a chance to."

"What do you mean?" I feel my cheeks burn. I'm the alpha. I'm supposed to be in charge of everything. And I'm in charge of everything except this stupid conversation.

"It doesn't matter. I'll see you later. I'm going to go find her." They all chuckle as I run toward Ellie's house.

Meet Me in the Woods Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora