Now we stood in front of the Royals, having been the last to be called into the room. There were no Royal witnesses or straggling coterie members. It was just the ten of us. I glanced at Jacobi, who noticed and reached to tug gently at my pinky for comfort.

“Elysia Monet,” Audrina finally addressed me, her voice cold and calculating. I tilted my head in response, turning to meet her cool gaze. I could remember the first time those powerful eyes had me caught underneath them. They had been suffocating and frightening. Now, I felt as though I had grown taller, stronger, and the fear she wished to incite through me just wasn’t present.

“Audrina Fortier,” I replied casually, causing everyone on the Royal panel to freeze. In the corner of my eye, I saw Darsana smirk with pleasure. It had been her, after all, who told me to address Audrina by her mortal father’s surname rather than her Royal mother’s Roslind title. It was an offense, I knew, but if I was going to remain a Monet to her, I could very well use her paternal surname as well.

“That’s Roslind to you, Monet,” Audrina growled testily, but restrained herself from reacting any further. “We have heard from the Bryant Coterie. We have heard from Jacobi Bryant his explanation of the events you claim to be the truth. Now we’ll hear from the devil’s mouth.” The complete lack of belief that covered her tone was irritating, but the idea of casting me as a villain liar was far more effective.

“I am Zachary Monet’s daughter,” I said coolly, trying not to feel the rage her words were building within me. “I am Eve Raene’s daughter, as well. Jacobi spoke the truth.”

Audrina leaned forward, clasping her hands together with a look of utter disbelief.

“And what proof do you have? You can’t expect us to just go along with your wild tales,” She declared darkly. I stepped only a few inches forward, glaring at Audrina determinedly.

“The last time I saw you, you told me to take off my dress. Let’s not stop the tradition here,” I snapped, reaching to unzip the back of the fashionable and formal dress I had been equipped with for this trial. I shrugged the fabric from my shoulders, turning my back to the Royals. And with a swipe of my hand, my hair was no longer covering my back. A deafening silence followed as the Royals looked at the mark on my back.

The Lichtenburg figure was near identical to Eve Raene’s, even more so than before. The lines of the design were no longer just pale pink, but were vibrant and electrifying. It was the mark of Raene, something that defined my supernatural being now more than ever. My birthright was unquestionable.  

“And exactly how do you expect us to believe Eve could procreate well after her years of fertility… and with a vampire hunter, at that?” Audrina asked with anger at the site of the mark. The question was obviously one that many of the other Royals wanted to understand as well, as they nodded and muttered in response.

“Simple. He used the Middlemist Red in order to turn her human,” I answered sharply, pulling back on my dress to face her before hesitating at the next fact, “… and he forced her.”

“So you admit, even if she did birth you, it was by force,” Audrina quickly said over my words.

“The act was by force, but…”

“So why should we accept a product of hunter rape as one of-“

She wanted me!” I cried out furiously, “She still wanted me. She said I was her miracle and… and she had a vision of me centuries ago. I don’t give a fuck what you say, I am her daughter. And she was my mother more than Zachary Monet was ever my father.” I huffed, unnerved by the reaction Audrina pulled from me. I wanted to remain calm and collected, if only to keep my dignity should anything bad come from this.

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