Chapter 3 - "Back Home"

Start from the beginning

As the time got closer to midnight, the crowd grew more antsy and excited by the second. When 10 seconds are left, the count down begins.











Smoke enveloped the stage as a figure in white walked out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this grand illusion as I steal the Blue Mermaid Statue on this fine evening" just as the magician took a bow, another smoke bomb appeared, more off to the side of the stage.

"Not so fast pal! You're not getting that without going through me!" Joker wore a confident smirk on his face as he faced Kid.

Suddenly a bright flashed enveloped the area and blinded nearly everyone in the room.

"Well girls we can't let these guys win without a fight can we?"

As the light dispersed, a figure stood there in the centre with one finger pointed to each thief.

"I'm Kaitou Camille and be prepared for a showdown like no other!" she sent a quick wink to the crowd before Nakamori yelled.

"CATCH THEM!" and the thieves ran around and away.

The heist went on to be a chaotic, magical spectacle throughout the night. Nearly no one being spared from the wrath of Kid and Camille's pranks. Joker himself had a few pranks but they were very tame compared to the 2 other Kaitous.

Nearing the end of the heist, all three had escaped to the roof. Unknown to the two boys that Camille had planned this and rigged Joker's device for finding escape routes to send him to the rooftop.

It was the primary location to converse with each other to discuss certain details before heading to the actual location to discuss the issue at hand. With the added fact that she had scanned the entire roof before, she knew they were safe from being spied on.

"Well, seems someone was able to keep up with me after all," Joker and Kid eyed each other before the latter replied.

"What can I say, I am the legendary magician under the moonlight. Though I must say, it seems like you are one of the few people who can keep up with me." There was something in Kid's tone which made Joker slightly uneasy, though he brushed it off for now

"Hah! Well, it was great, but it seems I overestimated you" Joker snorted as he held the gem in his hand, readying himself to jump off the roof.

"I win this round Ki--"

"But are you sure you truly won this round?" Joker paused for a millisecond before whipping back in shock to see Kid holding up the gem up to the moonlight.

His eyes widened as he realised, the thing in his hand was "A fake, isn't it? I guess it was the other way around, you outdid yourself"

"Indeed. Unfortunately this isn't what I'm looking for, you can have it" Kid casually threw it to him, much to Joker's surprise. Thankfully, Joker managed to catch it in time, though it in him face faulting to the ground.

"WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?! YOU SHOULDN'T JUST THROW A VALUABLE TREASURE LIKE THAT!" At Joker's anger while on the ground, Kid just laughed and positioned himself to jump away on his hang glider.

Just as he was about to jump and fly off, a new voice the two recognised spoke.

"Mattaku, I know I expected you two to quarrel, but this takes it to a whole other level" the only girl on the roof chuckled at the two's surprised and shocked faces.

"Onee-san?!" "Camille? So you were listening in" the two's difference of tones contrasted rather greatly. They paused before processing what the other said and,


She couldn't help it any more, the two exclaiming the same word at the same time with similar expressions was too funny not to laugh at.

"You planned this, didn't you ?" Joker silently sighed as Kid asked Camille. He has known his sister his whole life and just knows she definitely planned this.

As Camille calmed herself, she took a quick glance at the door before facing the other two Phantom Thieves in front of her.

The two noted the slight change in Camille's aura and posture, and the seriousness in her voice as she spoke.

"I did plan this, but as I told the both of you separately, I'll tell you what's going on. Before that though, we need to go to a safe location and," she paused to both let the information sink into the two, and to make sure they were truly alone and estimate how much longer they have.

"The police should be here in 4 minutes tops, best be going." Gone was any seriousness she just had, replaced with a joking smile and fun aura surrounding her as she finished.

The three quickly agreed to meet up at an alley 6 blocks away in 3 minutes, giving Joker and Kid enough time to tell or write a note to their apprentice and assistant respectively that they will be somewhere and wouldn't be back for a while.

As Joker finished leaving the note at the refrigerator for Hachi, he discreetly ran through the crowd and made his way to the spot.

He found he was the last to arrive as he saw the two older thieves talk, or maybe argue from what he could see, about something.

"Ah there you are, let's get going then" Camille turned her attention to him before bringing out some keys and unlocked a car parked on the side just in front of the store next to them.

The drive was rather quiet, a rather odd mixture of awkwardness and calm comfort kind of quiet.

Finally, they arrived in front of a mansion Joker is all too very familiar with. The only house the Jones family have in Beika where he spent a lot of time with his family and particularly his sisters before everything happened.

"Well, it looks like I'm finally back home after all these years"

Word Count: 1583

"The Past Starts Coming To Light" - a Kaitou Joker Crossover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now