"Of course, go for it" I tell her.

"Okay so I have a sonogram today and I told Brad about it two weeks ago because he said that he felt bad about not being super present and so he promised me he would make it. Anyway the last few days I've been texting to remind him and sort out of we're going together or hanging out after and I've gotten no response. Literally nothing. He's fucking ghosted me. I'm the mother of his child and he's ghosting me? Like what the hell! I've done everything to get in touch with him; I've called, texted, emailed, I've done everything but march up to his front fucking door. He said he wanted to be here, why the fuck is he doing this?" Heather rants, barely taking a breath. Charlie shows me her half empty bowl and I give her a thumbs up before I reply to Heather.

"Wow that's a lot. What was your last interaction like? Did you guys have a fight or a disagreement?" I inquire. I know what Heather can be like when she's in a fight with someone, she burns the whole thing down to the ground without really even noticing it. It's possible she told Brad to never speak to her again and he's doing a good job at listening to her.

"It was nice actually. It was like a week ago and he was really nice, he was supportive and wanted to be more involved with the whole pregnancy side. We even went clothes shopping." Heather's tone has become light hearted.

"Clothes for you or the baby?" I ask. I don't know why it matters but I feel like it does.

"Both" She answers, I can almost hear the smile in her voice. She may be pregnant, but Heather will try to only wear designer if she has anything to do with it.

"Did you guys do it?" I switch my questioning, putting slight emphasis on the last word in the sentence. Harry, who has been dutifully ignoring the conversation so far, has suddenly lifted his head and appears to be completely invested. There's silence on the other end of the phone.

"Heather your silence is concerning" I say with a small smirk.

"Fine we did, but we didn't plan to. Besides it's not like we can make things much worse I'm already knocked up" She tells me with a regretful sigh.

"Except now he's ghosting you" I remind her.

"Shit you're right, think the two are related?" She asks quietly.

"I'm thinking so" I say as Charlie polished off her bowl of porridge. I pick up a nearby face cloth and gently wipe down her face, she's managed to get a fair amount of it to stick to her forehead

"But it shouldn't be like that!" Heather exclaims.

"I 100% agree with you, but what do you really expect from him the mans kind of really good at lying" I say, choosing my words carefully on account of the small ears in the room.

"I guess you're right. I just don't know where we go from here" She says with a sigh, the sound of traffic disappearing from her end of the call.

"Well do you have someone there with you for your appointment?" I ask. She shouldn't have to do that alone, I'm sure if I really hustled I could get dressed and get down there in time.

"My mums here so it's okay. We're actually going in to the appointment now so I'll call you later. Thanks hon, love you" She tells me. I'm not sure if I helped, but at least she got some of that anger out before she has her appointment.

"Love you babes, talk to you later" I say goodbye to her before I end the call and place my phone back on the table.

"She alright?" Harry asks as he helps Charlie climb down off of her seat, watching as she toddles over to the couch.

"Brad drama, shall we get ourselves ready for the day?" I ask him, standing up from my chair and smiling at Theo, who's eyes are barely open but the corner of his mouth pulls up at either end grinning back at me.

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