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Greetings peasants, this is Rikki ( @Rikkibobbybrown )and I will be writing this one shot without Ari knowing and hopefully she likes it!

Rikki POV: 

I was super sad one day and Ari noticed. I wasn't being myself. I still had to go to school though so I got ready and went. At about lunch I went to start texting her, but when I opened our chats I saw her going "SEVEN S E V E N SSSEEEVVEENN" and i was super confused. I asked her what was going on and she explained.

Ari POV:

I woke up and immediately started checking for any messages from Rikki, but I didn't have any. "Huh that's weird" I thought but I just figured she was busy. She did have school today. So since she can't talk until lunch, I started going on Pinterest, insta, other socials just to pass time when I read this on Aimie Atkinson's Instagram: "Hey loves! Today I have some VERY exciting news! The reunion cast AKA the Original West End Cast of Six, is forming a girl group called Seven! I'm so happy I could finally tell people! More details will be coming soon, take care, mwah!" "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!! RIKKI IS GONNA BE SO HAPPY" Of course I texted her about it even though I knew she was in school. I continued freaking out a bit and there may have been some tears, but finally after about an hour, Rikki answered with "Huh? What are you talking about?" I explained to her what it was and she had THE SAME REACTION AS ME.

Rikki POV:

Catch me squealing in class! "OMGOMG REALLY?" Me and Ari went back and fourth basically scream-texting about it (oh if people saw our conversations they would be scared-) But eventually I had to go to my next class and my break was over so I said goodbye To Ari but continued freaking out about Seven! I was so excited that I texted my mom and told her about Seven (she doesn't know about Ari of course) and even she was kinda excited I guess. Honestly, Six and Aimie Atkinson is what brought Ari and I together, so it's a big part of both of our lives. I hope this lasts forever!

_____________________ was it? Did you guys like it? If you did, there's another Me and Ari book on my account that tells the story of our relationship so go read that if you want! 

Ari if you see this: IloveyouandIhopeyoulikeit

Ari x Rikki ( I guess )Where stories live. Discover now