First meeting 2

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.....Skylar Dawn Payton they say she's suppose to be the most beautiful girl in the whole school she gets mad when she doesnt have all the boys attention then she said "So that chick what her name gina you like her now?" I looked up at her and asked...."No i dont she just seems lonely and like i want to be her friend" She then asked me out to like date her i knew she only wanted to date me to have my attention on her but i said no like u thought the only girl I thought was beautiful was....Gina i cant believe im in love with her i mean yeah she sweet and is mysterys i like that who doesnt its like a game of cat and mouse and im the one chasing i guess Skylar noticed me spaceing out she then asked again "Will u go out with me!?!" I came back to reallity and looked at her and said "No." She then said "Ok then since we r da...wait what why not im like the most prettiest"..

The Next day I cought up with Gina she was crying i asked "Whats wrong Gina"  she looked at me and ran into my arms and said "My mother was killed"  i looked at her and asked by who she said "Some people from the Mafia" She was crying and i took her to my house she said that they were still looking for her she said her dad was part of the mafia I told her i would talk with my mom so she can stay with us for a awhile my mothers name was Vernita Salvator she's as sweet as cake of course she said yes then once everyone was in bed we all just fell straight to bed..

I smelled breakfast i know my mom doesnt cook because she doesnt know how to so i got scared for a moment then I rememered Gina was here i went down stairs she told me to take a seat and she served me 'Bacon with egg and sausage' she told me to dig in then she set up a salad meat thing for my mom because my mom goes to work and then I said ..."its Medusa" haha my mom started laughing and said "Silly boy" i told her "Well im your silly boy" Gina told us she had to go my mom offered to take her to school she said ok and mom drove us to school i guess that made Skylar jealous.

After school i was with Gina we were walking home I then saw a shadow about to hit gina i jumped in the way and got hit on my shoulder then there was five then six men beating me up the seventh guy took Gina into a black get-away Van i saw them before i blacked out i woke up in the hospital my mom was crying and praying......

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