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A/N Hi guys (I know I'm not supposed to be writing stuff like this and editing Leo's story, and I promise I am!) so many of you have asked me to write something like this, and I was thinking about it, and then one night before bed I just decided to try and write it and this happened. I think it's gonna be five chapters, and I have each of them planned out, but I'll be posting them as I complete them just because I have no idea how long it'll be between them and you guys have been waiting long enough.

Just a heads up, it's not edited super well, so no judging me for that.

I hope you enjoy! It was really fun to write for my boys again <3

It was a Thursday night after a long day of work, and at his brother Garett's insistence, Brad found himself going out with his coworkers. It wasn't something he did often– or ever– and he was wasn't expecting much to come from the night. They'd probably drink a little and discuss things he didn't care about while tiptoeing around him, and then he could go home and unwind from the day, hopefully fall into bed at a reasonable time so he wouldn't be too tired the next morning when he woke up to go back into work.

The second he stepped into the bar, he noticed his mistake. He probably should have realized something was up earlier, given the fact that Garett grinned the whole car ride over without explanation, but he had assumed that was because his brother was excited to have a night out after falling into the routine of married life over the past couple of months.

It wasn't really a bar that Garett had taken him to, but a strip club, and he turned around to look at his younger brother as soon as he realized this, displeased.

Brad Bradford didn't go to strip clubs.

"Oh, come on," Garett urged, placing a hand on Brad's shoulder and pushing him more into the establishment. "Don't look so angry. This is why I always go out with Pierce, you know".

Brad doubted his distaste of strip clubs was the only reason, though instead of saying this he asked, "does your wife know that you're here?"

If Brad was being honest, he didn't know Garett's wife very well, even though she was their father's secretary, but he was hoping to appeal to the part of his brother that would get him home the fastest.

"She does," Garett claimed, giving his shoulder another push. The force made Brad turn, and he spotted a group of his employees already there, looking totally out of place in their suits. "I told her I was taking you to lose your virginity".

Now this was embarrassing, and Brad fixated his younger brother with a hardened expression that only made Garett laugh. It was slightly mortifying to him that he was within his thirty's, the oldest of a family with seven, and the only one left who had yet to experience sex. At one point, a few years ago, he tried dating with a nice woman his father set him up with, but they hadn't gone farther than a little more than kissing when they called their relationship off.

"I'm joking," Garett told him then, patting his back while subsequently pushing him in the direction of their coworkers. "I told her that I was taking you to relax and have some fun, and she told me she thought it was a good idea. Gave me a bunch of dollar bills too".

Even though Brad didn't know Marie Bradford very well, this didn't really surprise him at all. Her and Garett were incredibly well matched, and that meant that she was just a little bit weird.

"I don't know how you expect me to-" Brad cut off suddenly when he allowed his eyes to wander to the platform at the front of the room and laid eyes on what was very clearly a man. Shocked, he twisted quickly to face his brother again. "Is this a gay strip club?"

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