"Heyyy" I said awkwardly punching him in the arm. Oh god I'm still awkward with guys.

"Oh hey KC, I just wanted to come over here and tell you how gorgeous you look." Darien replied smiling.

"Oh yeah?! Thanks! You look gorgeous too! I mean um- like in a guy way" I scratched the back of my head. I could feel marissa shaking her head in disappointment. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Darien would just leave.

Darien chuckled. "Thanks KC. I gotta say I've missed your charm" I blushed. He missed me??

"Yeah I've missed you too. I just- I'm really sorry for how I left you. It wasn't ok and-"

"KC, trust me it's okay. I got over it. But I accept your apology" Darien smiled at me. He walked a couple steps closer to me so we were centimetres(or inches) away from each other.

"A slow song is on, care to dance?" He asked. I grinned and nodded my head. I looked at marissa one last time and she winked at me and left for the bar.

Darien took me onto the dance floor and landed both his hands on my hips bringing me closer. I gulped because I have never really been this close with a guy. I reluctantly threw my hands over his shoulders and onto the back of his neck, playing with my rings. His smile was so contagious and big and it made me smile and blush every time I saw it. He pushed me even closer to him so our bodies were touching and our noses were pinky length apart. I could see his eyes travel from my eyes to my lips. As we started to sway to the music, I could feel the tension rise. I really didn't want to kiss Darien on his eye again. I slowly closed my eyes and leaned in... suddenly, a big tall white man with blonde floppy hair ran up to us.

"AYOOOO DARIEN MY MAN GETTING THE MOVES" he yelled. I quickly moved away and took off my hands from dariens neck.

"BRIAN! I was having a moment with- oh by the way, KC this is Brian, Brian KC." Darien explained. I nodded and smiled at Brian. Brian definitely wasn't ugly but I wouldn't say he's my type but I could tell he was checking me out. So I stared him down until he stopped. Darien whispered in my ear.

"He's my roommate, I'm sorry about him" his warm breath lingered on my ear and my breath quickened. I nodded my head and smiled at Brian once more.

"Is that all you wanted to say brain?" Darien asked annoyed.

"Yeah and KC, if Darien ever bores you, hit me up." He winked at me and ran to the other side of the club. I scoffed and let out a laugh.

"Wow... I'm sorry he's your roommate" I chuckled at Darien.

"You know, he's not that bad but he does have a lot of confidence"

"Yeah I could tell" I snorted.

"Speaking of roommates, how did marissa even get into harvard?" Darien asked. I hesitated before speaking.

"Her farther was an alumni here and she ended up getting pretty good grades in the most important classes, not to mention the food bank volunteering helped a lot." I stated. Darien looked at me surprised as a smile grew on his face.

"I'm really happy for you KC, I know how much you wanted to get in here" he responded.

"Thank you, and I'm so proud that you got here too! I mean look at us, like two peas in a pod! You know what- forgot I said that last part" I said nervously. Darien laughed and shook his head.

Kc x Darien (kc undercover fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ