Chapter 7 (Alright)

Start from the beginning

We notice Footprints on the floor & we started to follow them. It lead us into the forest & they end on a rock, I pulled down the invisibility cloak & their was Harry sobbing.

"Harry what happened?" I ask Harry while I put my hand behind his back & rubbing it back & forth.

"He was their friend, & he betrayed them" Harry said with his down. He didn't have to tell us who he was talking about it was obvious it was about Sirius Black.

"HE WAS THEIR FRIEND" Harry yelled out at us. I didn't make eye contact with Harry, because he was hurting from what he heard & I didn't want to make it worse for him.

"I hope he finds me, cause when he does I'm gonna be ready" I shoot a glare at Harry.

"When he does I'm gonna kill him!" He gave us all a serious look. I turn back to see if Hermione or Ron were going to say something, but they just stayed quite.

"We're gonna kill him" I hold his hand, he nodded in agreement.

The next day I was awfully busy with all my school work. I needed to catch up on are my work & study more often. Classes were dismissed & I decided to take my homework to The Three Broomsticks & work their. Hermione was not anywhere to be seen so I couldn't invite her.

I arrived at The Three Broomsticks & order me a butter beer. Luckily I got a whole table to myself, that was until trouble came along.

"Mind if we sit here?" Crabbe said with Goyle & Blaise standing behind him.

I raised my eyebrows looking at all the other tables that were free, but yet they wanted to sit with me. I'm surprised their owner isn't here.

"Oh we prefer sitting with the lonely girl" Goyle  said coming infront of Crabbe.

"I came here to study & do homework" I said, trying not to sound to rude.

"Pathetic" Goyle said rolling his eyes at me, Crabbe nodding to him. "Calm on guys, theirs another table over their" Blaise pointed to an empty table. Goyle & Crabbe walked away to the other table mumbling something.

"Hey, I'm sorry about them they never come out" Blaise apologize to me for their behavior.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault" I cleared my throat.

"$3.99 for the butter beer Ms" the waiter came by with my drink. I look into my wallet & notice I forgot my money, I started to panic. "Allow me" Blaise brought out his wallet giving the money to the waiter.

"I promise you I will pay you back" I said to Blaise signing in relief.

"No problem Nina, I always be here" Blaise started walking off. "Would you like to have a seat?" I ask him, he payed for my drink the most I could do is ask him if he wants to sit with me. He nodded his head & took a seat infront of me.

Only a few minutes past by & Blaise & I were laughing about how his mom made his wear heels for the joke of it.

"At least I can walk in heels" he laugh.

"No way, I bet you were rocking them" I teased him. I started laughing of the thought of seeing Harry in heels. However I stop laughing because I felt someone sit next to me.

"1 more butter beer"

"Malfoy your here" Blaise said trying to be excited.

"Leave I want to be alone with Nina" Draco was giving Blaise a look to piss off  & Blaise left, leaving me & Draco alone at the table.

"Way to ruin the fun" I said then taking a sip of my drink. "You we're having fun with him?, interesting" Draco said mocking my movements. It was quite for some time until he broke the silence. "It's getting dark out, we should go" Draco suggested

"This place doesn't close until midnight" I said while pointing at the clock. He took my hand & drag me out.

"What the hell, why do I have to leave" I said to Draco "Let's just go"

We were walking back to the school, until I had a feeling someone was following us. I was scared so I grab onto Draco sweater.

I fell onto the floor, feeling my arm being drag away. I felt Draco holding me & pulling me away from what was on the other end.

I don't remember what happened next.

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