// part seven: the unexpected //

Start from the beginning

Wasting no time, he quickly bolted down the beach, in the opposite direction of the city. Y/n squeezed him tightly, scared. What was going to happen to everyone? What about her friends, or her mother? She hoped they'd all stay safe.

Metal zoomed down the beach as fast as he could without hurting the fragile human in his arms. Dust flew into the air behind him as he flew down the beach, headed towards a nearby forest, where they'd hopefully stay safe.

Unfortunately though,  some robots had already gotten down the beach, and easily spotted the robot and human. Metal felt something watching him, and turned his head, only to see robots watching him, probably alerting Eggman that Metal had been spotted.

He picked up his speed, flying into the forest, hoping that if he went far enough, they wouldn't be able to find him. As he got further into the forest, he heard a loud whirring noise behind him, but didn't dare look back.

"Oh no, Metal! They're gaining on us!" Y/n yelled, watching the large flying mech Eggman was in approach them. It had large arms, with claws that pulled the trees in front of him up, throwing them at Metal.

"Metal, you know you have to come home! Don't bother running from me!" Metal heard Eggman yell, causing Metal to go even faster. He couldn't let them be caught, he couldn't let him have Y/n. He promised to keep Y/n safe and return her to her home, and he'd do just that.

Using the booster on his back, Metal shot through the forest, dodging trees as fast as he could. He couldn't go at full speed, because he was scared of hurting Y/n, and because of his low battery.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large boulder fell in front of Metal, causing him to come to a very abrupt stop. Eggman let out a haughty laugh, happy he managed to stop the robot. His flying mech slowed to a stop in front of them, looking down at the two.

"Aww, who is this? Is this your new friend? Metal, I'm very glad you're making friends, but I'm afraid it's time to come home. I've been very worried about you." Eggman said, feigning happiness for the robot. Metal knew Eggman didn't care about Y/n, or who she was to Metal. He knew Eggman would kill her without hesitation.

"I won't let you take her from me. I promised to keep her safe." Metal said, holding her closer. Eggman chuckled, wondering if Metal actually cared about the girl.

"Do you actually care about her? How long have you known her? A little over a week? Metal, you have no idea if she's truly good or not. She could be hiding her true intentions for you." Eggman said.

"She's human, there's not much she could do to me. And I know she wouldn't do something bad to me. She's my friend, and I won't let you hurt her." Metal said. Eggman scoffed.

"You've grown weak in your time here, Metal. It's time to come home. Listen, if you come, I promise I won't hurt the girl. You know you have to, or else I'll kill your little girlfriend." He said. Metal stayed silent, looking down at her. Y/n nodded her head, as if saying he should do it.

"Metal, if you go, you won't die. And neither will I. It's the best thing to do." She said,

"How do I know we can trust him though?" Metal said, unsure if he should do this.

"Come on, Metal, listen to your girlfriend. I won't hurt her. I only want you." Eggman said. A few robots came walking in from behind his mech, arms reaching out to grab the two. "Hand the girl over, I'll make sure she gets home, and you too."

Metal looked at the robots that began surrounding them. He was scared, he didn't trust Eggman. They were going to take Y/n from him, and he wouldn't be able to save her. He couldn't let that happen, he wouldn't. He had to keep her safe.

"I won't let you take her!" Metal yelled, suddenly jumping into the air, using his boosters to fly upwards. Eggman growled, growing annoyed.

"Get them!" He yelled, as his robots leaped into the air with great speed. This surprised Metal, as he wasn't expecting them to be so fast. He zoomed through the air, dodging any attacks the robots used to slow him down.

Eggman used his mech to fly into the air, quickly catching up with Metal. Metal panicked, unsure of what to do. His panic caused him to malfunction, as his battery was quickly draining, and he fell to the ground. Y/n screamed, holding onto him.

Right before they hit the ground, Metal used his booster to slow them, and he landed on his feet, quickly zooming through the trees once again. Loud crashes were heard, Metal looking back to see Eggman knocking trees out of the way to keep up with Metal.

The giant arms on the ship reached out to Metal, causing him to panic once again as he boosted forward. Everything was beginning to fly by so fast that he couldn't keep up what with his low battery.

A tree suddenly flew out in front of Metal, startling him, and he slid under it to dodge it. He didn't notice the large tree root in front of him, causing him to trip, Y/n being sent flying forward. She let out a screech, expecting the worst.

She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting to slam into something, and while she did hit something, it wasn't as rough as she had expected. She opened her eyes, looking around. She was being held by the large hands connected to Eggman's ship.

Metal reached out to Y/n, his vision unclear from the damage, as he had slammed his face into the ground. His power was just about gone, and he could barely move. Y/n reached out to him, scared and desperate.

"I finally have you. You were quite fast, but not fast enough, so I can assume you don't have very much energy. Now you can finally come home with me." Eggman said, grabbing Metal with the other large hand. "And as for you, I suppose I could make use of you somehow."

"You said you'd let her go." Metal said, venom laced in his tone. He knew Eggman was lying.

"I lied. Now, let's get you two home. I'm ready for this to be over, we have work to do." He said, the machine turning around to go back the way we came. Metal looked over at Y/n, feeling his energy finally depleting.

Y/n reached out to him, her mouth moving as if she were speaking, but Metal couldn't hear anything. His consciousness began to fade in and out, and the last thing he saw was Y/n as she began to cry, scared and panicking.

This was it, wasn't it? He took Y/n from him. She was more than likely going to be gone for good when Metal awoke. He couldn't forgive himself for letting this happen. He blamed himself, it was his fault. Y/n was gone now. And Metal couldn't do anything about it.


word count - 1831

so, this chapter was shorter than usual, sorry haha. I try to always get 2000 words, but idk what else I should've put. And sorry if this chapter sucked, I've been in a shit ass mood lately cause of problems irl.

anyway, hope you enjoyed. I'll try to get another part out tomorrow. This was a short story haha, it's already almost over. Just shows how much I suck at writing :p

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