Chapter 3: Becoming a team

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Catalyst's POV:
I woke up and felt Drift's head on top of my head and I saw that he was sleeping, 'He stayed up all night keeping watch over me. No one's ever done that for me before.' I thought as I tried to get out of his arms. "If you want me to let you go, you could have just asked." Drift said, "I thought you were asleep." I said, "I don't sleep well anymore." Drift said as he let me get up and I was getting a little hungry. "Let's head back into town, I'm starving." Drift said as he got up and put his jacket in his bag and I found my bag as well, "When did you get our bags?" I asked, "Wasn't too hard. We had them with us the whole time. I'll let you get changed first." Drift said as I nodded and went into a room and thankfully the window was boarded up. I closed the door and started to get changed. Once I was done, I opened the door to find Drift without a shirt on and even more scars on his body. "Wh-what happened to you?" I asked shocked at the amount of scars he has, he saw me and put on his shirt, "I was tortured before my old pack banished me into exile. These scars indicate that I'm a traitor to all werewolves, I can no longer join a pack or find a mate." Drift said. I was shocked to hear that, "How old were you when they did this to you?" I asked, "I was only seventeen. When I turn eighteen next year, there will be a change in my behavior. All werewolves go through it. But..." Drift stopped himself, "But, what?" I asked, "It's nothing. Come on, I know the best place for breakfast." Drift said. We left the building and went back into Paradise, Drift led me through the place and brought me to a house that seemed like a nice enough place to stay. "Before we go in, I haven't told my friends I was bringing someone with me." Drift said, "Alright, but do they know who you are?" I asked, "Yeah, they do. These people are old friends of my parents." Drift said as he knocked on the door and we waited. The door opened and a guy and girl were in the doorway as they saw us, "Drift, you're alright." The girl said as she hugged him. Honestly, I don't know why, but I felt jealous for some reason, "It's good to have you back man. Neo was getting worried." The big guy said, "I wasn't the only one babe." Neo said, 'I guess they're married. That means I can be with... What am I thinking?' I thought to myself. "Whose this Drift? You're girlfriend?" Neo asked and both of us turned red, "He's/ She's not my boy/girlfriend." We said in unison. "Stop copying me!" we said in unison again. "Sure, I'm Neo. This is my husband Neon." Neo said, "Yo." Neon said, "I'm Catalyst." I said as we went inside the house and I saw Neo look outside before closing the door.
"Drift, I know you want to help people. But you need to learn more control of your emotions." Neo said, "Here we go again. I told you guys, I'm fine. I just don't like talking about my past that much." Drift said. "Um, care to fill me in?" I asked, "Um, Drift does she know?" Neon asked Drift, "Yeah, she knows. I kinda made a small mistake when I saved her." Drift lied and I didn't him to keep something from his friends. "He's lying, I'm the hero Cat. He did save me, but he figured out who I was by my scent." I said, "Wow, we're huge fans of your work." Neo said smiling, "Um, thanks." I said. Drift's stomach then grumbled, and Neo smiled and went to make something for us. "You two must be hungry. I'll make you something to eat." She said, "Thanks Neo." Drift said as he went upstairs and went to what I think is his room, "So, Catalyst, do you need a place to stay while you're here?" Neon asked, "Actually, I have a place back in Tilted. But it's an abandoned warehouse that has it's issues." I said, "Hmm, there is that old warehouse not far from here. It's pretty well built, and it used ot be a lab a few years ago." Neon said, "Really? Hmm, I'll check it out." I said. Drift then came back down in a red jacket with black sleeves and black pants and shoes. His golden hair matched his golden eyes as well, I couldn't help but blush under my mask for some reason. 'What is wrong with me? Could I be falling for him?' I asked myself.

Drift's POV:
Once I got back downstairs, I saw Catalyst staring at me. And I couldn't help but see at how beautiful she is. 'Wow, she's so beautiful. Maybe I could ask her out on a date.' I thought to myself. I then felt cold water get poured on me, "AH! COLD!" I shouted as I jumped and fell on my butt. "AHAHAHA! Oh man, now I'm all wet. Nobody likes a wet wolf." I said as I shook my head and my wolf ears popped out. "Drift, stop that man." Neon said as I got him all wet, "Well, that's what you get for getting me all wet Neon." I said as I growled at him. "Um, did you just growl at your friend? And also, you're ears are actually kinda cute." Catalyst said, "Wait, my ears?" I asked as I looked in the mirror and saw my white wolf ears. "Oh, man. They must have popped out when I was shaking myself dry." I said as I was about to put them back when I realized what Catalyst said, "Wait, did you just say my ears are cute?" I asked. "D-did I say that out loud?" Catalyst asked, "Guys the food is ready." Neo said as I smelled the scent of toast, eggs, and... "BACON!" I shouted excitedly as I ran to the dining room and saw the bacon. "*Giggles* Looks like someone wants some bacon." Neo said and I heard both Neon and Catalyst laughing at how I acted. "How embarrassing." I said as I blushed and sat down, Catalyst sat beside me, and Neon sat beside Neo. We started eating and I would take quick glances at Catalyst. I the remembered what my mom told me one time, '"One day, when you find someone, you will build an unbreakable bond. That bond will grow over time. Always remember, protect that person with all of your might."' She told me. I smiled and I guess Catalyst saw me smiling, "What has you smiling?" she asked me, I looked at everyone and sighed, "I just remembered something that my mom told me once. It's nothing." I said as I took a bite of the eggs. "What she tell you?" Neo asked, I stopped eating and looked down. "*Sighs* She told me that one day, when I found someone special that we would build an unbreakable bond. That it will continue to grow over time. And to always protect them with all of my might." I said.

WEREWOLF DRIFT X CATALYST: A WOLF'S TRUE LOVE (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now