"Why don't you like Gianni"katjean says

"He stole my bunny"I say

"Like a toy"he says

"No"I say

I walk to end of the room and grab lia out her cage

"My bunny"I say holding her up

"Ohh it's a real one wait it's cute"katjean says

"I didn't steal her she just happened to be by the door at in a open room"he says

"It's Mattias fault because when he left out he didn't close my door and what the Fuck we're you doing on the 3rd floor"I say

"Going to the bathroom with the really nice shower"he says

I roll my eyes

"I just like how it suddenly got back to me"Mattia says shaking his head

"Yes it did..because you left out and you know it pisses me off when someone doesn't close the door"I say

"Mhmm"he says

"Can I see the bunny"Gianni says

"Bitch I know you tripping"I say

"Oh my I don't know why nasty men want to put their hands on you your too cute"I say

"I'm not nasty"Gianni say

I ignore him and sit down

"I don't know why I got you that damn thing"Mattia says

"I- you love her"I say putting her in his face

"Sure"he says

He grabs her and puts her in his other hand...she got comfortable and just laid down

"She's small"Milano says

"She's a baby"Mattia says

"I mean its like 3 more in the basement in Mexico I didn't think he would want all of them"he continued talking

"What there were 4"I say

"Yeah I got you nice looking and the only girl one"he says

"They aren't there anymore I took them"Gianni says

"So why the Fuck do you want that one"i say

"Just like Mattia said she's the nice looking one and she's the only girl"he says


"Shut yo bitch ass up"Mattia says

"Damn"I say

"Why you so mean"Robert says

"I don't like your face"Mattia says

"Remember what happened last time you were picking on him"I say

"Ohh yes the boxing match funniest shit ever"Alvaro says

"Boxing match?"Milano says

"Yeah kairi and Mattia had a boxing match in Mexico like a month ago"Alejandro says

"Who won"silvano says

"Me duhh"I say

"He probably let you win"Milano says

"Nahh Mattia didn't give him no advantages but the match was funny...yall at end of the match they was talking shit right and when match was talking kairi punched him and tried to run but mattia grabbed him and kairi busted his lip on the weight"samy says trying not to laugh

"Damn"Gianni says

"I wanna re match in like 2 days"Mattia says

"Oh my god"I say

"What we have too"he says

"Ayeeee Polibio come here"Mattia yelled

"Why don't you call him dad"I say

"Nahh I'm good"Mattia says

"Fuck do you want Mattia"his dad says walking in the room

"Me and kairi having another boxing match in two days"Mattia says

"Don't get your ass beat this time"his father says walking out

"I did not get my ass beat"Mattia says getting up following his father

"LIA STILL in your pocket"I started yelling but I was just like forget it

I got up and followed them

I seen Mattia so I wrapped my arms around his waist and peek my head out to see a pretty girl she was very pretty she was ginger with very long healthy shiny hair she had a mole on the bottom of her lip and on her cheek bone she had these brown yellowish eyes I adored them.

"Hi"I say

"Oh who is this"she says

"Hi I'm kairi"I say

"I'm Phoenix...or Nicky"she says

"Cute"I say

"So why are you wrapped around him"she says

"Mind your business Fuck do you want"Mattia says

"I came to see my soon to be baby daddy"she says smiling

Never mind this bitch ugly.


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