welcome Home

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It's a Saturday night, barely past midnight. Waiting for you to come home is torture as you told me it would be soon. Lingerie hugging every small curve of my body. Every bump accentuated to not hide anything from your view.
Our blood red satin sheets cold against my fevered body. Hearing the echoed "Click" of the locks on our door ring through my ears like melancholy.
Waiting for you I turn my head to the side as if I were asleep with one arm positioned next to my brows and the other across my exposed mid-drift. Excitement filling my body as you open the door hopefully only seeing me in the dim lit room. My Pulsating heart
My pulsating heart feels as if it's going to burst but I lie still not moving , slowly breathing waiting for you to approach our bed. Only able to hear your breath slightly before the end of the bed dips to conform to your body weight adjusting, but it's not long before I feel your hand grace my face slowly, and feel it travel down to my neck while your breath lingers in my ear biting my lobe slowly. Feeling you climb above me on all fours saying gently
"Wake up baby girl"
Your hand travels slowly up my side to my breast as my breath stops in my throat.
"Gotcha" you say in a smug way.
You swiftly take me by my thighs to place my core next to your bulge only to grind it against me while lowering down to kiss me tenderly on my sweet, tender lips.
Your hands grips my thighs softly with friction at the end of your finger tips. Feeling the need to want you inside. I pout as I want more. "No pouting" you tell me while your hand covers my throat holding it ever so slightly, but only to use the other to pull down my strap only to be greeted by your teeth and the hot air that breaches my skin from your mouth. "oh God"
I whimper running my hands through your hair. Feeling the immense pleasure and wanting to feel the tender touch of your skin even more. Grinding hard against you ,you flip me over quickly. With a gasp I hear the loud smack of your hand across my right cheek only to leave the pleasure of the burn after.
"No ma'am, you are to wait"
"Yes sir"
I say in a small child like voice trying to be as innocent as I can. Turning on my back ever so slowly with your hands firmly on my waste.
"Do not move" you say sternly
Ever morsel in my body tells me to move only to beg for your mercy with the brutal fucking that would soon follow after. Your hands travel to the front clasp of my lingerie, only to rip it off without hesitation. Feeling your eyes cover my body I self consciously cover my bare chest with my arms.
"Remove them"
Not moving you force my hands above my head only to cover my hand with the other. Rubbing hard against my semi wet core I muffle moans through your hand.
"Not a word or you'll be punished" I nod in agreement and keep my hands above my head while you take my left nipple into your mouth.
"Fu-" I stop myself as you sternly look up at me. You continue while I bite my lip. You take my right nipple in between your finger tips pulling at it. My back arches at the feeling of your icy breath wafting against my scorching skin. The hairs on my neck stand tall as you grab my sides roughly.
"This is mine" you grunt out in a hoarse tone.  Kissing my navel down to my inner thigh my eyes never leave yours. Feeling like your prey, you have won.
"Everything belongs to you, take me as yours. Please." I beg you. You kiss my pussy between the thin layer of lingerie that sperates you from getting everything you need.  Wanting you to go faster as my mind whirls around with plundering thoughts.
"Damn, I love you" not even realizing you had slipped my silk black panties off to the side of the bed. Your eyes gazed at me slowly taking in every inch of my body. The rugged curve of my hips, the goosebumps that erect around my nipples as the cold air succumbs around me.
"Please" I say.
"Please what?" You say in your taunting tone. You know just exactly what I want, but I very well may beg for it. Slipping my hand slowly down my body, you follow my hand every inch it goes. My hand goes slowly over my wet pussy.
"Please... Please give it to me" I beg like a child begs for money to go on their favorite ride. Euphoria in your eyes, I see a glimmer of mischief glint across your face. In a fraction of a second your head lowers down to my pussy, you use your warm  tongue to travel up my thighs. Holding my them firmly in place, you kiss my core once. The electricity that circulated my body ignited a fire that couldn't be stopped. You lap your tongue over my clit softly while squeezing my thighs softly.  Feeling the moans from your lips sends me into a daze. You move your tongue faster on my clit while slowly slipping your long, thick finger into me.
"Oh fuck" I say tilting my head back onto the satin sheets. Your eyes staring up at me while your breath holds me hostage as you finger me faster. My hands finds it's way into your dark brown curls pushing you deeper into me. Moaning immensely as my voice cracks with your name. Your strokes get faster as you add your third finger.
"Fuck me!" I yell.
"Cum for me baby girl" you tell me. My hands grab the sheets tightly feeling my legs quiver and my hands shake from the pleasure of you tongue fucking my clit. A pent up pleasure begins to quake at the walls. My legs begin to close but that doesn't stop you. Using your free hand you pin my leg to the bed raising yourself up going faster with your fingers that I feel moving in and out, in and out. Harder than it was last time. You bring your face to mine crashing your lips with mine. Moaning into your lips I begin to shake even more.
"Come on baby cum for me" you tell me looking back at your hand while placing the other on my face.
"Oh fuck- f- f-uck please." I beg you. My body shakes as you look at me with pleasure in your eyes, the cold chills run up my leg send me in to wild pleasure. The juices running on your hand as I begin to finish, my hand scratching your back slowly while kissing you hard. Finding my spot you begin to slam your fingers into me harder than before.
"Finish for me baby girl, come on, cum for daddy" you whisper in my ear. My eyes rolling back feeling every fiber in my body ignite with each time you hit my soft spot. Looking at you with my forehead against yours, mouth open wide barely able to speak of moan. I arch my back holding you tightly by your arm looking down I see my juice flying in your hand.
"Oh fuck.. please please stop" I beg as you continue. The pleasure send my legs to shake like maracas as you kiss me softly. My body slowly down, pulsating sending me into jerks of motion as I finish, your hand slowly pumping me still, I kiss you while my limp body is sent into heavy breathing trying to climb my way from the pit of immense pleasure.
"Ho-holy. Fuck" I say in breathed tones.
"All you babygirl" you say slowly rubbing my clit only to pop it twice. Gasping as you do so, you kiss me while laying next to me bringing me on top of you. My body slowly fades into nothingness. My eyes grow heavy as the room grows dark.
"Sleep" is all I hear before I slip into a dark serenity

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