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the highlighter landed on page 666 of the meek girl's biology textbook, and it left a saturated blot of ink next to the pages number. a scream wanted to escape her lips, a cry of help desperately wanted to send a signal to the neighbors that shared her cramped apartment complex that there was a stranger in her bedroom. but the meek girl couldn't, as fear paralyzed her, constricted her throat.

his bloody fingers drummed the tacky paper of her textbook, a simple rhythm—torturously slow. the demon had both of his palms on a particular surface, the left on the book, the right on the cinnamon tinted flesh of the meek girl's thigh, his thumb gently rubbed the area, and left a crimson smudge as he did. his beautiful face was but millimeters away from hers, speckled with dots of blood. his minty breath fanned over her shaky lips.

the meek girl's small hand crawled over to whatever writing utensil was the closest, her fingers trembled as they gripped a pen tightly. the demon, from his peripheral vision, could see the easily crushable hand gripping the pen for dear life, but he decided it would more entertaining to see if the meek girl would go through with her little plan.

"go ahead," said mads, tauntingly, amusement present in his tone.

the meek girl's brows furrowed, her expression was a mix of terror and confusion, her bottom lip quivered. every muscle in her arm was ready to spring into action, to drive the pointed tip of the pen into his neck, hit an artery and run to safety. she wanted so desperately to do something. something was stopping her, she didn't know what it was, and a barely audible mewl of frustration left her.

a flat chuckle bounced off face, echoed in her ears. the demon found her incompetence adorable. she was so weak, unable to defend herself even when she had the upper hand.

mads's hazel eyes bore into her amber ones, cruel and inquisitive.

a rough hand gripped her jaw, and an obscenely kiss claimed her lips, dominating and hungry, and she returned it, she fucking returned it. her dainty hands clawing at the red plaid of his shirt, desperately wanting skin to skin contact, some primal instinct driving her actions. the demon hummed, his other hand delving beneath her panties, his index and ring finger thrusting into her forcefully.

the meek girl winced at the unexpected penetration, a mix of mostly pain and arousal engulfing her heat. the demon groaned, a joyful tone riding underneath the deep sound, then the demon bit her plump bottom lip gently, shark-like canines gently drawing blood and watched it bounce back into place, a string of their saliva connecting their lips. the demon cupped the meek girl's face with care, lapping up the blood that stained her lips and chin, licked his perfect plump lips with an affectionate smile. he gazed into her frightened yet dazed eyes with an unreadable expression.

"i will be back soon, min skat." whispered the demon.

and then, he was gone.

/// an: min skat=my treasure

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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