Chapter 1

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Camille was a normal girl. She liked all sorts of things normal 14 year old girls would like, The internet, drawing, cheerleading, and shopping. But little did Camille know she was EVERYTHING but normal.On Monday Camille walked into her school the laziest she could be. She spent all weekend with her friends so didn't do her homework til late Sunday Night. She was up til 3 am Doing all her assigned homework. She was absolutely tired. She first had Math. She HATED Math. 3 seconds after she walked into math there was a Thunderstorm!!! It kinda scared her at first but she thought it was funny that it matched her emotions. Fast forward and her school ended at 3:00. She was happy there was no homework. The sky turned bright blue and the sun shined down on her face.  She was extremely happy to see the weather matched how she felt again. Camille rushed out to find her friends because they were all going to the mall together. They were in a clothing store when she got a call from her mom. She answered it and realised that her mom was in tears. Camille Had two dogs in her house. She had her own dog a pomsky. And A family dog A Golden Retriver. Her mom had informed her that their family dog, The golden retriver named Butter Scotch had passes away. She walked home in the pouring rain. As she cried.

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