First date part 2

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It is 3:36 outside Hawkins high school
Els POV:
Fuck! She cursed to herself
El always cursed to herself when no one was around.
She was 6 minutes late and was worried mike was already home.
Mike, Dustin and Lucus were riding their bikes home from school.
'Fuck my legs are dropping!' Dustin whined
'Same!' Mike whined back.
'Oh come on it wasn't that bad!' Lucus said
'Wasn't THAT bad. You only ran 6 laps then mr.Jones let you sit down and rest just because he likes you for being on the basketball team!' Mike shot at him.
'Well if you 2 wasn't whimps then you would also be able to join the basketball team!' Lucus shot back.
'hey guys is that-' Shouted Dustin getting interrupted
'Not right now Dustin-' Mike said. Before mike could carry on arguing with lucus he heard a very familiar voice.
'Mike!' Shouted el from a distance.
Mikes POV:
'Shit!' I said to myself seeing her wave at me from her bike.
'Me and Dustin will ride on a head and give you and your girlfriend a bit of privacy' lucus laughed blowing kissing noises riding ahead.
I stopped my bike on the side walk watching el come towards me.
It's not like I hate her or anything- I mean of course I don't I love her it's just a lot has gone on these few months. She started her period and came to my fucking house letting my whole fucking family know and she get the talk from Joyce and know that's all she ever wants to talk to me about. Oh shit, I hope she's not here to tell me something new she learnt about the birds and the bees!
El parked her bike next to mike and got off.
'Hey mike!' She said with an awkward look. Something was off. 'Uhh, hey el.' I replied.
El looked down not knowing what to say. 'Ummm el, why did you come here?' I broke the silence.
'Uhhhh? Ummmm...' was all she replied with.
Did she not know why she came here?
Els POV:
I should have definitely made a plan what I was going to do and say to mike, now I look like a complete idiot. I wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him and say how much I miss him but he doesn't look like he misses me much.
'Uuuum... uhhhhh... I-uhhh, do you wanna go on a date?' I suddenly said by accident. I saw his eyes widen and his cheeks get red. I saw people go on dates in lots of movies and soups and I always wanted to go on one with mike.
Mikes POV:
I'm so shocked right now, where did she learn the word date, does she actually know what it is?
'Uhh... I-umm, yeah. Sure ok.' I replied. So we both awkwardly got on our bikes and rode away.

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