Walking became running in an attempt to find the girl, praying that the scream was not hers.

"Aria!", Edmund shouted out, speeding up that he was almost ahead of Peter.

 They broke out of the tree line and into a large clearing, where not even the slightest light creeped through the trees.

A sound, almost like a chant, broke the silence and Peter's gaze rested on the girl standing in the middle, unharmed and still, staring at a thick cloud of smoke that rose from the ground.

Everything seemed to freeze as the boys stared at the back of the girl, who began to walk towards the smoke.

Peter's eyes widened as a hand, black as soot and with spidery fingernails appeared out of the smoke, extending it towards the girl.

"No! Stop!", Edmund cried out but Aria kept walking towards the hand.

A loud growl erupted and Peter's gaze shifted to three hooded figures standing behind the rising smoke.

Dark orbs stared back at blue ones and the creatures growled even louder.

Peter drew his sword and lashed at the creature as the two other boys followed.

The creatures, whose dark black eyes seemed to glow in the dark, reminded Peter of those who fought with Jadis' army.

Although short in stature, they bore enormous strength and Peter found himself being flung away by just a hit.

Edmund cried out and brought his sword into the creature's chest, immediately pulling it out and helping Peter.

Caspian sliced the creature's claw and used the distraction to end it's life as Peter too did the same.

The three boys stood, facing the creatures that slowly sank into the ground, being engulfed by the soil around them until there was no trace of the creatures left.

Peter gripped his shoulder, his breaths coming in gasps as they fought to take another breath.

"Aria!", Caspian's voice cried out.

The ghostly fingers of smoke almost met Aria's  when Caspian threw himself against the girl, wrapping his hand around her head as they both stumbled to the ground.

A loud scream pierced the air again that brought their hands to their ears.

Peter pressed his hands to his ears tightly, his gaze falling on the hand that withdrew back into the smoke and when the scream had died down, so did the smoke.

Thick mist surrounded them that slowly lifted into the air.

It had all happened so quickly and Peter was left stunned in his spot before his eyes fell to the girl Caspian held on to.


Peter fell on his knees next to the girl, cradling her in his arms as she refused to open her eyes.

"Come on", he whispered, brushing away her hair from her face.

Aria drew in a sharp breath, eyes opening to complete darkness.

She blinked hard, her eyes trying to focus on what's around her.

She blinked again and her eyes met blue ones.

Teary blue ones.

She felt arms around her as he enveloped her in a hug.

She smiled slightly, patting his shoulder softly.

"I'm alright. You can let me go now", the girl stated and Peter let her go.

With the help of Edmund she got onto her feet and she stared at the point where the smoke had been, now leaving a trace of burnt grass on the ground.

"You don't see that back in England", Edmund said.

Aria snorted and crouched down to inspect the ash covered ground.

"What was that?", Caspian questioned, also staring at the burnt grass.

"Some creature of dark magic. I thought they would be in hiding", Peter stated and Aria turned to look at him.

"They were. But someone brought them out", she replied, dusting her hands off.

"Who?", Edmund frowned.

Caspian turned to look at Aria knowingly and the girl nodded.


"Wouldn't he try this again? Aria won't be safe-", Peter said but Aria shook her head.

"No. He probably thinks I'm dead now. There's nothing to worry about".

Peter frowned.

He didn't want to count on it.

Aria stumbled in her steps as she lost strength in her legs.
Peter grabbed hold of her.

Edmund couldn't help the small smile on his face, watching Peter hold on tightly to the girl.

"Are you alright?", Peter questioned and Aria looked at the boy.

She nodded and pushed his hands away slowly.
"It could have been worse. Let's go back".

Peter sighed, crossing his arms across his chest.
Sooner or later Miraz would find out that his plan had failed and Aria was still alive.

But Peter wasn't counting on waiting till the Telmarine found out about her.

"In any case, we shouldn't let Miraz act again. We need to do something now".

The Chronicles Of Narnia : The High QueenWhere stories live. Discover now