~Chapter 8~

997 39 22

This won't be 100% accurate with aot most of it will be fan-made
Aka author made

AOT =attack on titan

Hanji's pov -

As we walked back leaving Eren with the rest of Levi squad, We walked to where Erwin wanted to meet us for a meeting

As we sat down with Erwin
Both me and Levi were seated clothes to each other

Erwin was on the other side

As Erwin was explained his plan

My hand brushes around Levi's thigh

Making him blush

"Hanji? What do you think about this "-Erwin said with his big eyebrows

"Whatever gets me closer to titans works "- I said

" There will be no titan your taking down Kenny Ackerman, so you will be working with Levi's squad on this "- Erwin

I nodded

"if that's it, for now, eyebrows I and hanji have to organize a plan, I know Kenny he's stronger than most of us, extremely skilled "-Levi

we excused our self out and went to my office

When we entered Levi pinned me to the  wall

"that was smooth four eyes what you did back there, but it's time to get you back "-Levi said while sucking on my neck

"Levi... We have a battle tomorrow .."- I managed to moan out

He stopped and looked at me for a second

" Exactly.. I don't want you to go, what if you get hurt "- Levi

He gave me those puppy eyes

"Levi, Darling life isn't ensured so let us live it to the fullest "-I said

I know my life will come to an end sooner or later but I hope I can stay with Levi for as long as I can

to cheer up the mood I tried to bubble butt him

He blushed

Levi's pov :

this feeling of comfort I feel while I'm around her

Is amazing

I know life isn't ensured but please don't make me lose her

It's like I have a curse with losing people I come close to

They fade away...

Hanji I regret ever falling for you now you might leave me

I'll protect you.. I know your stronger but against the man who trained me?

My mind was wandering places

I started to see her body dead on the ground

It was realistic

Except one of her eyes was missing

Then I feel something press against me

She bubble butt me

And she also messed up my hair
She ran away


Teasing me as she hid behind moblit

I want it to stay like this

As I tackle her to the ground tickling her

No one in the survey corps knows about our love for each other but they do know that we play around a lot

Not. In front of the cadets of course

I'm on top of her

We looked at each other for a minute

I couldn't help it

I craved a kiss

Just one

To show them that she mines

And mine only

Wᴇ'ʟʟ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ~Lᴇᴠɪʜᴀɴ(ʟᴇᴠɪx Hᴀɴᴊɪ )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora