predator and prey

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As Y/N was about to leave. They were contacted by the past, and then confronted by the present. forced into a corner Y/N has to make a decision to either confront the past or deal with the present, who knows what path is right.

Y/n: godda!#t why just why freaking author is everything you make so complicated.

The narrator's pov

Y/N sighed deply looking left to right then staring down the left hallway, considering all of his options though not many were very appealing. Down the left Y/N had to Confront the past and deal with demons or to his right fight the bullys Y/N has come to fear. Y/N was lost in thought contemplating this the foot steps growing ever so louder, coming ever so closer. Y/n tensed up and started to panic slightly just then and there Y/N made a decision that would change their life forever.

Y/n's POV

(Come on, come on screw it what's the worst that could happen right.)

Narrator's pov

Just then Y/n started to sprint down the hallway to the left. Opting to confront the voice that seemed to gently whisper beaconing Y/N closer and closer. And that sent shivers down Y/N's spine how quick they decided this path but it was better then having a broken spine. Right?

After running for a bit Y/n was about to reach the origin of the voice at least that's what Y/N thought.

Y/n: *huff* omg *huff* I think *huff* made it.

Y/n said as they were out of breath and slowly trying to orient them self. Y/N doesn't know how far they ran or if Y/N just was in terrible shape but Y/N felt as though the hallway went on forever and ever.

Y/n:man I need to work on my cardio.

Y/N said as they slowed down to a slight jog. Till Y/N felt sure that this was the origin of the sound. Room 145 so they stopped and looked at the door lost in thought once more.

(Y/N: an old music and choir room that supposedly was haunted. Huh how ironic.)

When Y/n opened the old door. It let out a loud squeak and Y/n winced at the sound. The musty, old smell of the room hit them like a truck

(Y/n: unfortunately I was not transported to another world I need a real truck for that.) AHEM!! Back to the story.

When Y/n entered the room it felt as though the floor would give out underneath them. To Y/N Surprise they heard footsteps rushing down the hall. Almost sounding frantic and frightened then suddenly a crash was heard as well as a roar then suddenly as if almost on quee a voice spoke up behind him.

???: hello my darling.

Y/n spun around towards the voice.

Y/n: (ah hel! Naw) wh-who are you?*scanning the fiqure up and down.* what are you?

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