chapter 12

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AUTHORS NOTE: yes, i procrastinated but i no longer have writers block so lets hope this comes out well, i promise ill finish soon :]


we walk towards the old hideout, ray is holding my hand still hiding his face within his scarf. he looks cuter than ever, i smile at the thought of him. ray holds my hand tighter as we walk by the forest where he got attacked by that demon. emma told me about it the day it happened, only ray would sleep on a demon. 


the walk to the hideout was silent. im, not an expert when it comes to making conversation so i didn't bother to say anything. as we were walking this stupid log tripped me, i almost fell to the ground until norman grabbed my waist. i turned around to face him, he looked at me then giggled

"got caught on your own thoughts did you?" 

"yea and what about it" i hissed at him.

"you're so silly" he giggled.

he helped me gain my balance again and we headed towards the old hideout. 



it was still snowing which is weird due to it only being a month which means it should've stopped. norman set a blanket down and put the breakfast snacks on top in a coordinated pattern. he sat down and used his hand to tap against the blanket signaling me to sit next to him. i rolled my eyes over how cute he is and sat down next to him. Norman looked at me and told me to be quiet for a bit, i stayed silent waiting to see what he was talking about. a weird loud noise comes from the forest, the sound of demons screeching, out of instinct i huddled closer to norman expecting him to protect me from the danger out there until I saw demons flying out of the forest which looked more like birds except they were large as a school bus. 

Norman gasped out of amazement.

"Wow... look ray, arent they pretty?"

"yea, they are."

"Not as pretty as you though!" he smirked.

I hid my flustered face away from him so he wouldn't make fun of me. He wrapped his arm around me and said "im just teasing you." 


he kissed my cheek and continued to watch the demons fly around the forest. 


we both laughed after i dropped my pancake on the snow, i have to admit i was mad. it was a good pancake but the moment was magical. Norman was comforting me while laughing at me, "Hey! cut it out."

norman cant catch his breathe " im sorry but you should've seen the look on your face."

"yea well you like this face" i teased

norman then replies saying, "yea yea, you're not wrong." 

we both laughed at each other. i want to spend my whole entire life with him. after we escape this 'dungeon' we'll go to school, graduate, and then ill propose. i can't imagine a world without norman, without my lover man. mid-laugh emma runs towards us yelling out my name.


Emma stops running once she's right directly in front of us, kneeling down catching her breath. 

"Sorry to ruin this date of yours but we don't have much time, we need to try to go make the promise."

"like right now?" norman responds

i look at norman to see his worried face, "hey norman, do you know something?" i commented.

"what? no, im fine." he spoke

but he mumbled something right after that i couldn't catch, emma interrupted my thoughts by saying "its best if we do it now."

"okay, let me know when you guys get back then." norman got up and picked me up as well. he held my face with his two hands covered in his mittens. he took one hand off my cheek to lower my scarf where it was no longer covering my lips, he then parted my hair away from my eye so he could see both of them. "i love you ray, please be safe." he started to lean in so i stood on my tippy toes in order for both of our lips to touch. he wouldn't let go, he seemed scared and i didn't know why. emma coughed purposely so norman let go, i could see his eyes watering,

"hey.. ill be fine, i promise." 

"promise no matter what happens to us, we'll be together?"

"don't say that"

"promise me..." his voice cracks.

"yes, i promise we'll be together."

he hugs me one more time, "good, i love you."

"i love you more." 

i let go and turn to emma, "come on lets go,"

"TO THE SEVEN WALLS!!" she cheered and headed north, i followed her but looked back to see if norman was still there. he was, he was there cleaning up. i don't know why he was so worried, is he scared that im gonna cheat on him? surely not. then whats up with him?


short chapter because its fitting to start the action for the next chapter, ill try to write the next chapter as fast as i can but expect it to be longer than this one, THANK YOU SM for all the support this has been getting like 4k READS?? IM JUST SHOCKED. this is my first ever fan fic that im actually proud of and im glad you guys are liking it too, the amount of support I've been getting is encouraging me to continue writing so expect a sequel of this fic:]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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