New Beginnings

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"X2-42 wake up" was the first thing I heard in my short life. "X2 think external sight for me please" the voice was definitely female X2 decided that he might as well do what he was asked. 'external sight' he thought suddenly he could see! The first thing in sight was a pretty woman with dark green hair, glowing green eyes and a curvy body. She was dressed in a green jumpsuit that was similar to a uniform. " Hello I'm Zenith and I'm your dungeon fairy, I'm here to help you in anyway you need, but most of all I'm here to help you with your dungeon station. Do you have any questions?" "Why is your hair green?" I asked confused. "It's the type of fairy I am, dungeon fairies are formed from what ever is near their core, since your core is essentially a nuclear reactor I'm a radiation fairy." "Oh does that mean you give off radiation?" "Yes it does" she said with a pout. "Ok now what exactly am I. You keep saying things like core and dungeon, what do you mean by that." She pauses "I am so sorry I forgot to tell you the most important thing... You are now a dungeon core, but unlike most dungeon cores you are in space which means you have different choices to make, you can choose:"

Become a Ship Core,

Become a Station Core,

"Uhh Zenith what's this?" "What's what?" There's floating words that I can see it's the only thing I can see besides you." "They are the start of an adventure, if you become a Ship Core you get to make your own ship that people can visit to adventure in, but be warned you can be killed as a ship core. As a station core you get increased protection but less mobility. You cannot be harmed except for by high level beings." "Will I be able to move eventually as a station core?" "Yes but only after advancing a ways." After hesitating a moment X2 selected station core. "You should have a better name than X2, maybe one that starts with x though... like Xander? I like it I think it fits." she said. Okay Xander you have another choice ahead of you, actually two. The first is the layout of your station, the second is what is going to inhabit your station, otherwise known as your mobs. Here let me put the information that you need in your head... there did you feel that?" Suddenly Xander felt a sharp pain in what most people would think of as his head, in reality he didn't have a head, he just felt it in his core which he still couldn't see. The information was everything you needed to know about making a Station dungeon. Xander concentrated carefully thinking about what he wanted. As he did a room formed around his core he could see the inside of the room, it was simple a light on the ceiling four white walls and a door that could seal shut like a bulkhead door. His core was a sphere hovering in the air it had a radiation warning symbol embossed on the front. Zenith floated excitedly as she exclaimed "well done you did it, the first room is down you have enough power to make three more rooms." Xander focused on the space passed the bulkhead door and envisioned another room this one 30 ft by 15 ft it was the power control room he made consoles and desks for his mobs to sit at. The next room was 20x20 with three exit doors, two of which led nowhere the third led to another room, inside the 20x20 he made it a cafeteria with several tables and chairs and food and water dispensers. The next room was ten by ten and had a security booth facing the next door which was the docking door. " Okay you got the dungeon done now what about the mobs Zenith asked. "Okay what are my choices."Zenith fiddled with something in the air for a moment, suddenly Xander could see multiple options for different races and species:


Orc(2 available)

Goblin(3 available)

Troll(4 available)

Elven(3 available)

Dwarf(2 available)

Knoll(1 available)

Tiefling (1 available)

"Why are humans unavailable?" Xander asked confused, "because you used to be one" answered Zenith. "I have no memory of that why does it matter?" "It's just a galactic rule. Look why is it a problem?" Because I don't want anything but humans the rest are either stupid or small." "Tieflings are not stupid or small" what even are Tieflings?" They're humans with demon DNA they don't act like demons, they have horns they're black or red they have resistance to heat they can see in the dark. I think you would like them better than humans, they're highly useful and very adaptable." Xander thought carefully then concluded that would be a good idea and picked tieflings. "Okay what about weapons" Zenith asked. "What are my choices" Xander asked. "You have laser or ballistics you could also have plasma if you gave up melee weapons. Okay plasma rifles or plasma pistols?" "I think plasma rifles would be better" said Xander. Xander placed a tiefling in the security booth in the first room, three tieflings in the cafeteria eating and four in the control room typing on computers. Xander placed a rifle in the security booth, three in a weapons rack in the cafeteria and four in the control room next to each chair."okay now the last thing is a mini-boss, since you're too weak for a regular boss then you're done. Zenith said excitedly. Xander imagined a tall dark red tiefling with large horns in a security uniform armed with a plasma rifle. He appeared in the control room and started patrolling it. "Looks like your dungeon is done, Zenith said ecstatically,  "and look the first dungeon Invaders have arrived just in time."

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