Sick Rose

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AN: Duen gets sick and Bohn takes care of him, (since he's his bf) but he can't help but get jealous of the way Duen cuddles his covers. (By the way, they're in Bohn's apartment)



"Duen, turn off the alarm." Bohn grumbles, pushing Duen to wake him up. "Mmm" Duen replies, burrowing into the covers. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Bohn sighs deeply and turns over to turn off the alarm and rolls back over to face Duen. "Duen...wake up." Bohn shakes Duen, until he pokes his head out of the covers. "I don't wanna gooo. I think I have a flu, I'll just sleep for the day." Duen grumbles, going back under the covers. "The flu?! How bad is it?" Bohn says, putting his hand under the covers to check Duen's temperature on his forehead. Finding that it was hot, he rushed over to his kitchen to grab the ice pack in the freezer and rushed back over to Duen, gently laying the pack on his forehead. "I'll try to make some soup and I'll call P'Thara to bring over some medicine, okay?" Duen gives him a weak thumbs up, making Bohn bend down and kiss his nose before getting to work in the kitchen.

While he's cooking the soup, Bohn calls Thara for the medicine. "Sawatdii P'! Yeah, so Duen isn't going to show up today since he has the flu. Can you swing by and bring some meds?"

"Oh my god, Duen has the flu?! Frong, forget about Boss for now! We have to go to get some flu medicine for Duen!" Thara screams from the phone, making Bohn wince. "Don't worry, we'll be there in 20 minutes." Thara says, getting back on the phone. "Okay, thanks P'!" Bohn says, ending the call.

"Looks finished to me." Bohn says to himself, pouring the soup into a bowl and taking it to Duen. "Duen, babe, wake up. I made you some soup, come out and eat." Bohn says, sitting in a chair next to the bed. Duen slowly comes out from under the covers and mumbles, "I'm not that hungry. Let me sleep." He shifts over to the opposite side with his back towards Bohn and wraps his blanket tightly around himself. Bohn rolls his eyes and pouts, "You're cuddling that blanket more than you cuddle me. I'm the one that made you soup, hmpf!" "Bohnnnn! I'm the one that's sick-" Duen starts whining, but gets interrupted by Bohn. "-That's why I made you soup and called P'Thara for the medicine. So that you can get better, you won't get better by just resting! You need to eat and take your meds to get better." Bohn says, trying to persuade Duen.

Duen finally turns around and sits up saying, "Fine, but promise me two things then." "Sure, what?" Bohn asks, putting the bowl of soup into Duen's lap. "After I eat this and take my medicine, you'll let me sleep for the rest of the day." Duen says. Bohn sighs, giving up. "Fine, what's the second one?" Duen ducks his head down and smiles to himself, blushing. "And...hold me while I sleep?" Duen asks.

Bohn smiles while looking at Duen, thinking to himself. "My rose is so adorable, I love him so much!...If anyone is reading this, don't tell Duen I call him that!" Bohn clears his throat and finally says to Duen, "Yeah, of course. Now hurry and eat, P'Thara is coming in a couple of minutes-" Just as he says that, there's a knock on his door. "Looks like he's already here." Bohn says, getting up from the chair and opening the front door. "Bohn! Hey, where's Duen?" Thara asks, holding three plastic bags of things for Duen. Bohn points back to his bedroom, making Thara dash over to the room where Duen was. Frong was left standing in the doorway awkwardly. "Err, why'd P' get three bags of supplies? He only needed to get flu medicine." Bohn asks Frong. "I don't know, he's Thara." Frong replies, shrugging. Bohn agrees with him and waits for Thara to come back out of the room.

"Alright, I just gave him the medicine that he needs. There's a bunch of herbal tea and popsicles that I got for him, make sure to give them to him when he wakes up from his nap. Take care of him or I will have to come back and take care of him myself, bye!" Thara says before leaving with Frong.

Bohn locks the door and turns off all the lights, finally going to the bedroom to join Duen. When he walks in the room, he sees Duen already curled up under the covers. Bohn decides to turn off the lamp and get in bed, wrapping his arms around Duen. Duen immediately turns around and snuggles into his chest, making Bohn give him a little peck on his nose and falling asleep also.


Hi, I actually never had the flu before so I hope I didn't write anything ridiculous.

Also, sorry I couldn't write and update on Saturday and Sunday, I wasn't feeling so well.

Stay lovely roses 🌹


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