Cahapter 1

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As you open your eyes, you catch a glimpse of your alarm clock: 5:37. Almost two hours before you actually had to get up and get ready for your new job. You sigh, knowing there is no way for you go back to sleep as you were too anxious about your first day. Groaning, you pull yourself out of bed and into the shower. After getting ready, you turn and look at the clock: 7:02. Wonderful, there's still time to lose. Grabbing your things, you leave your hotel room and head down into the lobby.
"Excuse me," you ask the woman at the front desk, "is there any good cafes around here?"

"Yes ma'am, there's a very nice one right on the end of this block. Just make a right out the front doors."

"Thanks!" you reply, your feet already carrying you to the door. A short walk leads you to the aforementioned coffee shop and you, with a sigh of relief thanks to being so close to your much needed coffee, enter the door. You take a deep breath, smelling the heavenly aroma of coffee beans, closing your eyes as you do so. You step into the line and immediately notice the strong muscled back of the man in front of you. He's tall, six feet at least, with dark curly hair hanging down to his shoulders and a nice mocha skin tone. Damn, you thought, if his back looks this good, I wonder how nice the front looks? As the man steps up to order, you hear his voice float back to you. Wait, I know that voice, you think to yourself. Sure enough, as he moves out of the line to collect his order, you see his face. Daveed Diggs. Fuck, you weren't ready to face him yet. You had been a major fan of his for years, following closely on his Hamilton tours and any appearances he made in movies. Honestly, it was just luck that you landed the job as a production assistant on his new movie Blindspotting. You didn't have to join the crew until the last leg of filming, making it even better for your schedule. You had applied for the job mostly as a joke, thinking that you of all people wouldn't be picked for the position. Perhaps your experience as an assistant to an actor or as a production assistant in minor films in the past helped you land the job. Still, you found the whole thing quite surprising as you worked as a production assistant only when the chance came along. Regularly, you were a teacher, therefore giving you the time to assist on movie sets during the summer.
Eyes focusing once again on Daveed, you were brought back to your thoughts of him. You knew you would possibly come across him at one point on set, but you definitely weren't prepared for the meeting to be so soon. I can't do this, you think, not now at least. Forgoing the coffee, your heart sighing sadly as the yearned for caffeine drifts farther away from your grasp, you move to escape the close proximity between you and your favorite celebrity. You move toward the door, hoping for a quick getaway, when you crash into a hard chest. No, this can't be like some cliche romance novel. Sadly, life didn't seem to want to grant you any luck today. Looking up, you meet your idol face to face. God, those pretty brown eyes. He smiled, making your heart beat a little faster. Damn, this really is like a cliché romance novel. What's up with that, God? You find yourself entranced by him, gaze drifting down to those lush lips. Lips that were moving. Fuck. Shaking yourself out of your stupor, you manage to squeak out: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

He laughed, "I was asking if you are alright?"

You released a nervous giggle, "Yes I'm fine. I'm so so sorry for running into you, literally!"

He smiled again, "No worries! You're totally fine!"
Of course he would be nice, you thought, he couldn't just be like a normal stuck-up celebrity.

"Well, I should get going! Sorry again!" You knew you had to get away from him before you said or did something even more embarrassing. You rushed out of the coffee shop before he could even formulate a response. Almost jogging down the street, you headed to your new job, ready to try to get your mind off of the most embarrassing moment of your life. With your mind caught up in these recent events, you hadn't even noticed that you had arrived at the movie set. You sigh and walk in, desperately wishing you won't run into Daveed again. You walk up to a lady with a clipboard in her hand, assuming she was in charge of at least something.

"Hello, my name is Y/N. I'm one of the production assistants. Do you know where I need to go?"
"Ah, yes, Y/N. There's actually been a change in schedule."
"Change in schedule?" You internally sigh, of course things couldn't just go as planned.
"Yes, you'll still be an assistant, but now you'll actually be working as the direct assistant to Daveed Diggs. His previous assistant had to drop out due to personal engagements, and we believe you're best suited for the job."

Your day really couldn't be going any worse. First, you embarrass yourself in front of your longtime idol and crush. Now, you're forced to work in close quarters with him for months. While you were excited, you were also very nervous, worrying that you would make a bigger fool out of yourself.

You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the oncoming months. You were anything but a quitter. "Ok," you answer the woman, "where do I go?"

She gives you directions and you follow them, taking your time in order to prepare yourself for meeting that beautiful man again. Sooner than you would like, you come across his trailer. Climbing the few short steps, you knock on the door. Please don't answer. However, your wishes don't come true. The door opens and, once again, you're face to face with Daveed. He smiles that same smile once more when his eyes land on you. "Hey, you're that girl from the coffee shop!"

Of course he had to remember you. Of course

This took way to long to write anyway credit for this story goes to
Writers-block246 on Tumblr

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